Rocky Mountain Winter Dreams: Tranquil World - Relaxation with Music & Nature

Rocky Mountain Winter Dreams: Tranquil World - Relaxation with Music & Nature

By Unknown

  • Genre: Special Interest
  • Release Date: 2002-08-27
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 14min
  • Director: Unknown
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


As the last rays of sunlight vanish behind the mountain top, they let the snow on the opposite side of the mountain glow one more time. Then a splendid silence overcomes us and makes us pause to take in the moment. In the fresh snow, we can see our own footprints until we too sink deeply into peaceful thought. Beautiful winter landscapes from the untouched Rocky Mountain wilderness… a journey of meditation and relaxation to the most famous American mountain region. We always feel the spellbinding charm of a white snowy dream. The way we feel when we are swept away by the romance of a sleigh ride through a snowy winter forest. When we walk under a starlit sky and all of a sudden the moonlight pierces through the clouds onto the glittering snowfields, we are overcome by feelings, which make us pause and gratefully acknowledge this spectacle of nature. What a delight for the eyes when the hardened snow begins to glitter. What sight could possibly be more marvelous than the sight of a seemingly endless range of windy mountain peaks sinking below the horizon? What natural paradise in all its splendor is unfurled in this seemingly endless panorama in front of us? The subdued silence of the snow reigns over us. This peaceful mountain solitude brings us a step closer to the heavens. Classical Winter Dreams Soundtrack: VIVALDI: The Four Seasons, Winter (Largo • BACH: • MOZART: Clarinet Concerto (Adagio • BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonata No.8 Pathétique (Adagio cantabile) • SCHUBERT: Symphony No.3 (Allegretto • GRIEG: Piano Concerto in A minor (II. Adagio • SVENDSEN: Romance Op. 26 • TCHAIKOVSKY: The Nutcracker (Scene No. 10) • SCHUBERT: A Winter Journey (Der Lindenbaum • GRIEG: Sarabande (from Holberg Suite Op. 40 • BRAHMS: Intermezzo in A, Op. 118, No. 2 • DELIBES: Notturno (from Coppelia • GRIEG: Melancholy • TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No.1 Winter Dreams (II. Adagio cantabile)


