Goin' South

Goin' South

By Unknown

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1978-10-06
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 143 Ratings


Sentenced to hang in a backwater western town, horse thief Henry Moon (Jack Nicholson) is saved when frontierswoman Julia Tate (Mary Steenburgen) agrees to marry him. Taking advantage of the town law that prohibits the execution of married men, Moon follows Tate back to her ranch, planning all the while to escape at the first possible opportunity. But Tate insists that he honor his end of the bargain at work on the ranch. She has no intention of consummating the union, a fact that drives the hot-to-trot Moon up a wall. She puts him to work on the gold mine that she has on her property, while his old gang prepares to relieve the couple of their gold once it's on the surface. Jack Nicholson personally selected movie newcomer Mary Steenburgen for Goin' South. The film also features John Belushi in the role of a dyspeptic deputy.




  • Stop, don’t touch play

    By Julieacol
    I love Jack, but not in this movie. My husband and I both were so bored that we fast forward through to the end to see how the movie would end. I was not entertaining at all. What amazed me most were all the 4 & 5 star ratings. Was it so bad that a people who did not care for it just not bother to say so?
  • The Best!!!

    By LovemesomeJack
    I bought this movie not once, but twice. And the second one has just about had it. Love, love, love this movie!!!!
  • Goin South

    By Georex
    Nicholson is exceptional as Henry Moon and the cast, including Steenburgen (in her debut) and Christopher Lloyd are outstanding. Acting is a bit over the top (Nicholson & Lloyd) but that is what makes Nicholson Nicholson and this sleeper one of the best comedic westerns ever produced. Nicholson and Lloyd interact beautifully as well as Moon's romantic interaction with Steenburgen. The rest of the cast of characters include John Belushi (debut) and Danny DeVito who both play bit parts well; a glimpse of Belushi's talent is obsevered playing Lloyd's side-kick, both bumbling deputies. Produced and released in 1978, this comedy has a cultic personality with young viewers who recognize the brilliance that is Nicholson - both in acting and directing.
  • Gone

    By nocrickets
    Nicholson directed and starred in this intermittently funny, sometimes eye-rolling, very 70s Western. I get why a lot of people hate on it and it became one of Nicholson's forgotten films. Like a lot of actor-directors he seems to have been awfully indulgent of his cast, allowing himself to mug and caper like a live-action Yosemite Sam through the whole thing, and the newcomer Steenburgen to pout and mope prettily until you want to send her to her room without supper, and character actors like Lloyd and Belushi to do their full-on schtick like they think they're in a vaudeville show. Yet there are a lot of moments when it all works better than you might expect, with a feel somewhere between Cat Balou and Missouri Breaks, only funnier than either of them. He and Steenburgen are so charming together that for long stretches I didn't mind the weak writing and soft plot and goofing around. It looks good too, in that post-Wild Bunch 70s Western way, all dust and grit and long hair and scraggly beards. Not a classic by any means but I found it pretty fun.
  • Surprisingly Good Movie

    By Reppinda5o3
    Watched this last night with my boyfriend after renting from Itunes. We both thought the movie had to be made in the 90's until we saw John Belushi, which to us pointed to the 80's. We both looked the movie up on wikipedia and were surprised to find that the movie was made in 1978. Jack Nicholson's acting and the amazing filming of this movie make it wonderful. The plot line makes it enjoyable to watch and I certainly plan on watching it again soon. If you don't like this movie, you don't understand and appreciate true cinema...
  • YAWN

    By GedOttaHere!
    Unbelievably bad. This one is ONLY for people who enjoy watching Jack make funny faces and rolling out his wild-eyed looks. Belushi and DeVito walk through their parts in a robotic stupor. Shame on them all. I rented this for 99 cents and it was a waste of money.
  • Oh the humanity

    By Over 9000 Ottos
    My first review that simply stated "save your money" was posted then deleted. So let me elaborate... This movie is so very predicable and really not funny at all. I am trying to think when I laughed and I think I only laughed once at the very beginning when they were going to hang Jack. I find it incredible that anyone could possibly give this movie a good rating. Yes there was a good supporting cast (Belushi, Chris) cast but they were on the screen for maybe a total of five minutes. Danny was flat. Anyway, if you really wish to rent this movie, then please do, but don't say that people didn't try to warn you in these reviews.
  • Somewhat annoying

    By Mobles21
    Nicholson sounds like a gorilla with a sinus infection the whole time, sub par acting, lame, and corny jokes...worth 99 cents for a couple laughs but it is annoying
  • Fond memories for old stoners, maybe...

    By ignatzh
    Jack Nicholson's dated old misogynistic trashfest, which seems to be one long excuse for him to produce unfunny, creepy uncle-type dirty jokes and to grope Mary Steenburgen, who was either desperate enough for the break or really as stupid as the character she portrayed. For some reason Nicholson decided to play his character along the lines of Festus with a really bad sinus infection.
  • Another awesome classic...

    By UMass Vinsula
    While at first this didn't seem promising, it turned out to be an amazing movie. The characters are quirky, humorous, and relatable, and Jack Nicholson really shines through with some more-subtle-than-usual but still awesome Nicholson-esque tantrums and speeches. This is totally worth seeing.

