The Last House On the Left

The Last House On the Left

By Wes Craven

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1972-08-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 24min
  • Director: Wes Craven
  • Production Company: Rogue Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,782 Ratings


In 1972, master of horror Wes Craven wrote and directed this groundbreaking film that shocked the world and launched his career. Shot from a frighteningly realistic point of view, every scene is more gruesome than the last. When two young girls, Mari Collingwood and Phyllis Stone, head to a concert in the city, four psychotic prison escapees kidnap them with the intention of driving off to another state. But in an ironic twist, their car breaks down in front of Mari’s house. After the girls are forced into the woods where they are tortured and left to die, the gang unknowingly heads to Mari’s house posing as salesmen. Mari’s parents soon uncover their daughter’s fate and the true identity of these guests - and take bloody revenge. It’s a terrifying assault on the senses originally banned in Australia and the UK. Experience Wes Craven’s disturbing cult classic along with his recently released remake back-to-back.





    By ES the horror fan
    Judging by the mixed reviews on iTunes, this movie has the same reputation today that it had way back in 1972: Many people consider it the worst movie ever made. Even though I don’t actually like horror movies that seem to focus more on senseless violence than on actually having a plot, I really liked this movie the first time I saw it. That’s because this movie actually has a plot; there’s a point to the violence, a reason for showing it. The fact that so many people, fans and critics alike, consider this such a horrible movie just proves its power. With his shocking, disturbing debut, Wes Craven shows us that anyone can become the victim of monsters, monsters who are human, rather than being the imaginary creatures that we, as children, fear are living under the bed or hiding in the closet. And he does what too many people, decent people, no doubt, are afraid to do, as we SHOULD be afraid to do. He doesn’t shy away from the ghastly violence that two innocent girls fall victim to; if anything, he puts a razor-sharp focus on it. Yes, this movie is saying to us, anyone can fall victim to violent, heinous crimes; no one is safe from that. He also demonstrates how determined parents can be for the attackers not to get away with it after finding out that their children have been killed or harmed by vicious criminals. Wes Craven’s bloodcurdling horror classic is not just a brutal circus of violence that shoves gory, brutal violence in our face; this unrelenting shocker pulls out all the stops in showing us that crime doesn’t pay! This film warns us that if you commit a crime, you have more to worry about than going to prison; there will probably always be people who will do ANYTHING to make sure you don’t get away with it! Horrifying and powerful!
  • Good God

    By Parallax Condor
    What the hell? After all the hype, I thought I’d be having a serious existential crisis after watching this thing. Instead, I’m wondering if I’ll ever get the dipsh!t banjo interludes out of my head. Complete piece of crap. Only excuse for cranking out a story this stupid, with acting this bad, and the horrible, horrible music is the money, and there can’t have been much of that, since the whole thing looks like it was made for about a buck-fifty. I’d flush this down a toilet, but I have more respect for the toilet than that.
  • A Disturbing Classic

    By Slayer 10978649
    A great film, with a few flaws. The acting was slightly weak, and at times a choice in music would be inappropriate for the events happening on the screen. The upsides, however, were how disturbing and sad it was.
  • Not Very Scary

    By Bougity Boug
    It had the elements of a crude 1970s horror flick but just lacked substance. The acting was bad, the story line was weak and the 'slasher' scenes were mild. I wouldn't recommend this movie.
  • So disturbing

    By Kayvong8
    If you are looking for ghouls and gobblins, vampires or wolves, this isn't it. If you're looking for psycho serial killers... Still not it (but closer) If your looking for something that will turn your stomach, stop your breath and seize your heart... Home run Viewers say the rape scene is the worst, they're right but there are many more things to gross you out, scare you to death and make you cringe. This movie is so disturbing because it's so real (minus the end). its worth a watch for VERY Mature audiences and NOT for the squeamish!
  • Warning!

    By Aniger7
    I saw this movie when I was about 13 years old. The images stayed with me for years haunting me. It made me fearful of everyone. I finally made a decision to not watch anymore horror movies. Instead I watch movies with a positive message.
  • Last house on the left 1972

    By MarilynB
    This is the worst movie ever made. Bad acting, bad soundtrack, and bad dubbing. Just plain bad. This is a bad pornographic movie. This movie is for sickos. Itunes I need my money back, seriously! P.S there is another version of this movie.
  • :(

    By pankate99
    It's only a movie......................................
  • Boring

    By 2mjs4life
    I've seen both movies. The new version is much better. Don't waste your money. You will want your money back and your time. I always hated to hear people complain about movies, but I will agree with them on this one.
  • So this is where horror movies started to go wrong...

    By coachgirl87
    Terrible acting. Ridiculous plot. Annoying scene music. "Dead bodies" that breathe and squirm on camera. And why'd the poodle disappear halfway through the movie???? I love horror movies...from classics like IT and The Birds to the latest "gorror" movies like Saw and Hostel. This movie is not scary, stopped being shocking and edgy twenty years ago. If you're looking for something to laugh at with a few friends on a Friday night while enjoying a few beers, this may be for you. But if you're looking for something scary, shocking, or disturbing don't waste your was unbanned in the UK and Australia for a reason!

