Narrated by Richard Gere, MUSTANG - JOURNEY OF TRANSFORMATION, is the remarkable story of a Tibetan culture pulled back from the brink of extinction through the restoration of its most sacred sites.
Beautiful film with wonderful soundtrack
By cace57
Well done portrait of this remote spot
Mustang: Astounding film
By PatrickKelly
The story and cinematography beautifully renders a place and people little known, with a message to the outside world of integrity and grace. The brevity of the film belies the deep impact made.
By YessireeIamHere
I am so glad I saw this moving documentary about the situation in Tibet and about the Dalai Lama. I am now better informed and enriched for having seen this. I loved MUSTANG and love the Dalai Lama - what a special human being and spirit!
jonathan browning
By Screaming Frog
I fell in love with this film the first time I saw it. It invited me into a culture and world that I knew very little about and by the end I felt a deep connection to the people and their journey. This is an entertaining and informative documentary that I can't recommend enough.
No Short-cuts
By G-Van-51
This is a "journey" with no short-cuts. Superior cinematography, music, and storytelling make this doc a rare gem. I get chills every time I watch the opening scene.
By KaterinaV
Tibetan culture is under siege and this film tells a hopeful story of reviving that culture through the restoration of exquisite sacred murals. As the community reconnects with their dying culture, they learn how to bring it into the modern world. Beautiful fimmaking.
Mustang- A Story of Transformation
By mgonzo1
This is a moving, artfully produced documentary about a group of people who are unknown to most of the world. The story-telling, and videography are first rate. The images are breathtaking. This ultimately uplifting story is one to which anyone can relate. It is one of my favorite documentaries of the past five years.
A great film about great work in a visuallu stunning part of the world
By Dal Bhat
Fantastic movie: Compelling story, amazing scenery, beautifully shot. A magical, unique part of the world seen through the lens of a master movie maker.
Restoring authentic Tibetan culture in Mustang
A wonderful documentary about the restoration work in Mustang over the past 10 years
For more insight
I also recommend the [Framework's] Podcast with Will Parrinello from the Tribeca Film Festival