Moby Dick

Moby Dick

Moby Dick 2010

  • Genre: Classics
  • Release Date: 2011-08-01
  • Episodes: 2
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 9.99


One boy moved by a need for adventure. One man driven by mad vengeance. Together, they embark on a quest that will define their lives, in the greatest story of the sea ever told… Ishmael is a resourceful young man, experienced in the merchant marine, who has set out from New York determined to reroute his life and fulfill a dream—a voyage on a whaling ship. On a frozen night in December, he arrives at the Spouter Inn in Nantucket to begin charting his future. Lending a hand is his bunkmate and new-found acquaintance, Queequeg. The following morning, the agreeable Polynesian harpooner finds them work aboard the Pequod, a whaling vessel soon to leave port and under the control of the “grand, ungodly, Godlike” Ahab, a notorious captain closing in on a personal mission that has become an obsession. Maimed years ago on a voyage by the great whale Moby Dick, the charismatic Ahab has been driven by his secret desire to take down his massive and impossible nemesis, single-handedly. Together the three men, along with ship mates Starbuck, Stubb, and Flask, sail into the vast Caribbean Sea on a voyage as unpredictable, as dangerous, as sinister, and as empowering as Captain Ahab’s prey. With no choice but to acquiesce to Ahab’s will, Ishmael and the crew brace themselves as they venture into the heart of an insane daring—an adventure that will open their eyes to the wonder and spectacle of man, of beast, and the inescapable nature of both. Few American literary works throw as monumental a shadow as Herman Melville's Moby Dick. Now, it is finally brought to the screen in a definitive new international production—an epic of awe-inspiring adventure, of vengeance and obsession, and of humanity swept up in the soul stirring passions that become life and death.


Title Time Price
1 The Complete Miniseries, Pt. 1 1:34:48 Season Only Buy on iTunes
2 The Complete Miniseries, Pt. 2 1:34:46 Season Only Buy on iTunes


