Mr. Church

Mr. Church

By Bruce Beresford

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2016-09-09
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: Bruce Beresford
  • Production Company: Shenghua Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 472 Ratings


Mr. Church tells the story of a unique friendship that develops when a little girl and her dying mother retain the services of a talented cook โ€“ Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a six-month arrangement instead spans fifteen years, and creates a family bond that lasts forever.




  • An Important Film - to h--- with Rotten Tomatoes

    By Furutan1
    This is one of the best films I've ever seen. I rank it with Grand Canyon and a handfull of others - films that tell a human story; a story with grace, poise and meaning. As for RT, this is truly pearls before swine. Those who give this a low rating are essentially rating themselves as to their superficiality, their lack of capacity, and their inability to perceive the most elemental and eternal aspects of the human being. This film is touching, meaningful, carefully told, and has such an impact (at least to adults who are truly experience in life) that one wishes it were a true story rather than fiction. The connection with books is particularly relevant to this film, as this is exactly as reading a novel. It is not rushed. It is played out like a series of chapters, with interesting things happening and with an underlying thread that makes a fine novel into a page-turner but with a comfortable easy pace. Watching it feels like enjoying a good book on a summer afternoon. To the producers, director, and cast - well done. Very well done.
  • I liked this movie

    By Rambo8649
    I didn't expect much considering the rotten tomatoes score, but I was pleasantly suprised. This was a great movie. It was just a nice story with good acting. This was a different side of Eddie Murphy, and he was exceptional. Not sure why rotten tomatoes gave this such a low score.
  • Mr. Church

    By Bowlermaire
    I wish there were more movies like this one . It was heartwarming , inspirational and full of magic.
  • Sooo good

    By leelovestbislnd
    I love this movie
  • Incredibly good ๐Ÿ‘

    By Gamer holdem
    Iโ€™d never seen this before. I actually watched it on Netflix. I wanted to do a review of this tremendously well done, touching and well acted movie. I think Eddie Murphy is at his best in this. I was pleasantly surprised how many emoticons this film evoked from me. I canโ€™t believe it hasnโ€™t been seen more or the bad reviews because itโ€™s awesome ๐Ÿ‘. Bravo ๐Ÿ‘
  • Good Movie

    By Purple Butterfly59
    The movie gives a sense of courage to face obstacles and move forward. It is a compelling movie that desires better rating than the critics gave. Although it is one of the best performance by Murphy, I did not see the need for the cursing, but understood that demons of his past (his father) haunted him. The movie left me with wanting more for Charlotte and her daughter. However, I give this movie 4 stars, only because of the cursing that I believe was not necessary.
  • A Rare Gem

    By LL's iTunes
    It seems rare today to find a heartwarming story such as this and so beautiful portrayed by the entire cast.
  • Holy Cow! Eddy Murphy's best movie!

    By Jimguyy
    Apparently the critics are more interested in maintaining the status quo in society than giving a great movie the praise that it desrves.
  • A Good Movie-Don't Believe the Critics

    By Sananda's Place
    Once again, the critics and I disagree...which means this is a wonderful movie. Eddie Murphy shows his dramatic side of his acting abilities and he pulls it off beautifully! Britt Robertson plays a very believable transition from kid to adult to mother and works with Murphy well. I would (and have) recommend this movie to my friends and family!
  • Foodie movie with a twist of time

    By Awe Heal
    I'm a sucker for foodie movies and this turned out to be a "good message" movie in between the cooking. Eddie Murphy really "manned up" & I hope he gets an award for his role as Mr. Church. Update: the Oscar Nominations just came out and very sad to say this movie didn't even get a nod. Shame.

