

By Scott Hicks

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2017-09-08
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Director: Scott Hicks
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,454 Ratings


Luce is just an ordinary teen girl until a shocking accident sends her to a mysterious reform school for misfit and eclectic teenagers. There, she meets two students, Daniel and Cam. Torn between the instant electrifying connection she feels with Daniel and the attracting force of Cam, Luce is quickly pulled into a passionate love triangle. As she tries to piece together deeply fragmented memories, she is left with a feeling of undeniable longing for her one true love and the revelation of a love story that has been going on for centuries,that will shatter the boundaries between heaven and earth.




  • This movie makes twilight look good.

    By Abbey&brandi
    I loved this book so much that I read it over the course of two days. This movie was completely disappointing. It went by so fast compared to the book with no progression. Also Luce acts completely different in the movie and a lot of the scenes are twisted and mix in with each other. I usually love the movies but this was just not it. It wasn’t Fallen.
  • Falling, Fallen, Flopped ! With The BIG Gong !

    By MBAware
    The correct quote: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” (John Milton, Paradise Lost). I agree… particularly the latter applies when there is an extremely organized, covert effort to manipulate the minds of the masses (especially subconsciously). Every individual mind successfully poisoned, serves to strengthen the contamination within The Collective Unconscious. THINK in terms of Allegory. Molly: “I know a lot about you crazy Luce. I’ll bet… I know you better than you know yourself. For someone who doesn’t like fire, it sure just seemed to like you. Cam’s voice at the end of Luce’s dream: “You will die. You will die.” just after an image of Luce’s body burning up, followed by the song lyrics directly afterwards: “Oh, it’s the only way, it’s the--it’s the only way” X 3. Puzzling repetition??? Then, the sound: “Aaaaaah aaa-aaa”. When chanting, the sound effect “Aaaaah” is the sound of Creation. There are quite a few other vile manipulations throughout, I just exposed a couple of them. Fallen is a Fantasy movie loosely based on the Judaic-Christian Biblical teachings, but presenting a different version of the story. Very little of the movie is palatable, except for the endearing quality of several of the actors. IMO- Ashby, Gilbertson and Kirke were genuinely likeable. The character Lucinda was emanating Bella Swan to the point of ad nauseam. The other characters did not receive enough lines or screen time to invite any type of emotional connection. Overall, I agree with the Critics…. too many similarities with Meyer’s Twilight books and movies. It seems as though the author, screenwriters and director dissected every aspect of what made the Twilight books and franchise so successful and then tried to replicate the exact formula, even down to the subtle nuances. They put all the dynamics together again, different places, different faces, hoping to recreate a new cash cow phenomenon, but they just ended up with a major movie flop.
  • More please!

    By hdmdndmf
    So is anyone else waiting for the rest?!
  • Keep the four bucks,

    By Tinman1911
    But can I have the hour and a half of my life back? The “big reveal” at the “ending” is exactly what was explained in the first ten minutes, then... nothing. Plotus Interuptus.
  • Bad

    By Raven's Gate
    This movie has about one good scene, but other than that, it is almost embarrassingly bad. No wonder they didn't make the sequels.
  • Fan of the books

    By kkp_rarereviewer
    This movie was embarrassingly bad. I had marginal hopes...they were not met.
  • surprisingly good

    By MovieAddict969
    For someone who read the book and now watched the movie, I have to say the movie is better. Yes it has teen angst and supernatural romance, but that's a given. For what it is, it's well acted, well written, and worth your money for those who like this genre.

    It was gr8 hope to see a sequel! Love Jeremy’s performance as Daniel!
  • Loved it

    By MarieBrynn
    I know this movie is not for everyone, but I absolutely loved it. Something about souls destined to be together really gets me, and I loved these characters.
  • payt54446788

    By payt6689383763

