

By David Gordon Green

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2017-09-22
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: David Gordon Green
  • Production Company: Lionsgate
  • Production Country: Hong Kong, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,491 Ratings


Inspired by the true story, Stronger stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Jeff Bauman, a working-class Bostonian who was at the 2013 marathon when the bomb blast occurred and he tragically lost both of his legs. After regaining consciousness, Jeff was able to help law enforcement identify one of the bombers, but his own battle had just begun.




  • Very good movie

    By Faux Anonymity
    This movie is very watchable & keeps the viewers’ interest. It is worth renting just to see Jake Gyllenhaal’s superb performance. He carries this movie. Bravo 👏 👏👏
  • Ttt

    By thrr dc thefd
  • Not what expected

    By Nicome1
    didn’t watch the whole thing, fell asleep
  • Tatiana Maslany

    By J2daAbner
    This movie break ur heart. From start to finish. I can’t believe this movie was not a hit And no oscar nominations. One of the most inspirational movies

    By Honeyjomei
    great casting. give Jake an oscar 4 God sake.
  • Utter rubbish!!

    By Kellyb166839
    This could’ve been a great story. Too bad. Maybe if they focused more on drawing the audience in instead of trying so hard to make it some fancy schmancy load of artistic crap, I wouldn’t have fallen into a coma. I was so bored I thought I’d never regain consciousness. I don’t get why it got such great reviews. I’ve had better times doing my taxes.
  • A great movie but hard to watch.

    By Cats & Music
    The movie was not about anything but a man who’s life was forever changed. And that’s that. Jake was amazing as usual. I thought all involved made a great movie. ‘’Low life, no life, beer drinking, smokers’’ HUH? As far as I know, there has been only one person to walk this earth who was perfect, and it ain’t you old enough.
  • Ugh.

    By old enough to remember
    Victims aren’t always heroes or very heroic, and don’t always make good stories , despite the best efforts of the culture of victimhood. No offense to the real Bouman; I won’t pretend to know the facts of his life. This movie was dreadful. I didn’t care about a single person. (and being from Boston, I am so sick of the ignorant, no-class, low-class, beer-swilling, cigarette-smoking stereotype.) The true “hero” of that day was The man who saved Bauman’s life. We see him briefly in the movie, learn a tiny bit about him, and I think his was the story to tell. But he didn’t write a book.....
  • True film... Great Acting

    By TJW68
    Loved every shot of the movie. Jake did an amazing job(as he always does). 10/10 recommend
  • Brilliant

    By ppylo917
    Brilliantly delivered by JG. Love it.

