Sicario: Day of the Soldado

Sicario: Day of the Soldado

By Stefano Sollima

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2018-06-29
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 2min
  • Director: Stefano Sollima
  • Production Company: Thunder Road
  • Production Country: Mexico, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,637 Ratings


Federal agent Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) calls on the mysterious Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro) to escalate the drug war in unscrupulous ways.




  • All time favorite movie i hope theres a 3rd

    By jteezlifestyle
  • Great movie!

    By fulltilted
    Excellent movie with tense action and amazing acting. Really great Cinematography and loved every minute of it.
  • Disappointing end

    By 19700107
    Disappointing end of the movie
  • Reeeeeeeeeeeee37

    By kim is #1
    Best movie I’ve ever seen in my lifetime
  • The action continues

    By carl hemmings
    Sometimes when a sequel is made of a good movie it’s maybe not as good , fair but not good ... this is not the case here , if you liked the first sicario,you should love this plenty of in your face action
  • total dissapointment

    By Salomom67
    if you are expecting something like the first part, buddy I have to tell you it's total dissapointment , the film starts like something big and rise your expectations to the top , but suddenly drops to a monotone pace with a mediocre script and a waist of good actors , this a perfect example of how to destroy a good idea , that was worth of a saga , if you realize is not the same director.
  • Loved the violence

    By TulsaMike
    All characters were convincing and the plot was fun. Waiting for Sicario III!
  • Scrooge mcduck

    By Nelson1oliva
    Here is the problem, I havent seen it, but Im going to rate it a 1 due to the fact that its 20.00 to buy and not available for rent for another month. So guess what itunes and movie studio Ill wait for it in nextflix , and you lost my 9.99.
  • It’s ok

    By $judd$
    I like most parts of it but it feels like there is no room for the movie to breath. There’s a beginning and an end but it feels like there is no middle. This movie had so much potential.
  • Fantastic

    By Stevepfi55
    Best movie I've seen in years! Can't wait for the next release. Unfortunately, they haven't even started on it yet.

