Hope Springs Eternal

Hope Springs Eternal

By Jack C. Newell

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2018-08-10
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 18min
  • Director: Jack C. Newell
  • Production Company: Gylden Entertainment
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 48 Ratings


Hope Gracin is known as "the girl dying of cancer" and has embraced this identity as well as anyone dying of cancer possibly could. After all, it had brought her popularity at school, a boyfriend from Australia, straight A’s from sympathetic teachers, and endless affection. However, when Hope finds out that she is in remission, her whole world is turned upside down. She loses the things that she thought were important seemingly overnight and lashes out at those who actually love her. In time, she must learn to shed the superficiality that cancer had brought her and embrace the beauty of living without an expiration date.




  • Highly Insensitive

    By Edoc Semis
    This movie was an utter disgrace. The acting was atrocious and the overall plot and characters were terrible. Throughout the whole film the main character was a complete brat. She repeatedly used her cancer for her own selfish gain. The movie completely made light of children dying from a severe illness. This movie struck a personal cord due to the fact that my sister has lived her whole life in a state of chronic illness and has on multiple occasions been on the brink of death. I can tell you first hand that death is not a joke!
  • 😘😘😘😘

    By amandax345
    Such a cute movie! If you like Fault in Our Stars and Earl and the Dying Girl you will love this one too!
  • Great

    By Frida orlando
    I love this movie and I screamed when the guy mentioned one direction πŸ˜β€οΈπŸ˜‚
  • An enjoyable film

    By primarynina
    An innovative twist on the coming of age movie. Hope forms her high school identity around terminal cancer. Then one day her entire identity shifts when tests show she's in remission and no longer terminal. This film takes a candid look at the reactions of Hope's peers when they discover she is no longer Cancer Girl. And Hope learns how to have a future. An enjoyable film with a well written story. Cast includes both seasoned actors and new faces. Includes a funny performance by Tim Kazurinski as Mr. Baxter.
  • An adorable film.

    By DPJohn50
    Mia Rose Frampton is perfect. Loved the transition about 15 minutes into the film, where her world turns right side up. Enjoyed the entire cast, most of which were new to me. A believable, interesting story, well told.
  • amazing

    By Megatb5
    i absolutely loved this movie! it was not at all cheesy. i even cried. i would 10/10 recommend
  • So good!

    By LoriKnight
    Mia Rose breakout performance as Hope. Reminded me of those great high school movies like Sixteen Candles. It hit all the right emotions and Mia flawlessly gave us the comedy relief.
  • Bravo!!!!

    By Mm mchugh
    What could be a "here we go again" story about a young woman facing a tragic life sentence, turns out to be a well written, well acted uplifting story true to teen life. Well done, Mia Frampton and crew. The Cimorellis bring their unique talents to the screen. Well-written, well-acted, well-produced!
  • Wow... tbh this is actually pretty good.

    By Sabr1na95
    This movie kinda reminded me of my favorite 80’s and 90’s movies. I was surprised that I liked this so much actually. I mean, it’s definitely meant for a younger audience, but it really resonated with me. I have been in and out of chemo since I was younger, and I have lost people to cancer as well, and it just felt, I don’t know, like relatable I guess. But not too sappy either. And still gave me things to laugh at. I loved Hope and Seth’s relationship too.
  • Funny and incredibly heartfelt!

    By Billy Joyce
    Everything in this movie worked! The acting was great, the story was great, and most importantly, the message was great! Loved it!

