

By Jonathan Baker & Josh Baker

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2018-08-31
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: Jonathan Baker & Josh Baker
  • Production Company: BKM
  • Production Country: Turkey
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 85 Ratings


A recently released ex-con and his adopted younger brother are forced to go on the run. Chased by a vengeful criminal, the feds and a cadre of otherworldly soldiers, their only protection is a found weapon of mysterious ancestry.




  • Amazing

    By ParkDOGG_17
    Best thriller I’ve seen in a while
  • SO glad I only paid 4.99 for this

    By KeithJames1980
    and even 4.99 is too much to pay for this monstrosity. This movie has no idea what it is trying say. Whoever directed this nonsense should never work again in the film industry for having tainted and shamed the sci-fi and adventure movies genre.
  • Boring story and weak characters

    By HI Sully
    The main character was “the gun” really and it didn’t really make a serious appearance until half way through the movie. The characters besides the child (protagonist?) were kind of evil so I was hoping they would just eliminate each other to relieve my misery which is usually not the preferred way I want to be emotionally invested in the characters. Oh the ending tries to go into a sequel. Since it is a box office bomb, I’m hoping there will not be one?
  • 4.99

    Best five dollars spent on a movie in a long time. Special effects are great. I did enjoy his movie a lot.
  • Great premise, not so great story execution

    By dualedge
    I think I went into Kin with higher expectations than I should have. The idea is very cool and the futuristic elements are awesome. The actors are generally solid although, despite being a great actor, James Franco is just distracting. He's reached the point of familiarity where I find it very hard to forget he's James Franco rather than the character he's playing. Dennis Quaid does an admirable job as the father but the younger adopted son played by Myles Truitt and his older ex-con brother played by Jack Reynor just behave inconsistently and in an illogical manner based on what I would expect given the circumstances of the story. I would assume it has more to do with the script and the director rather than the actors who seem capable and interesting otherwise. The narrative unfortunately falls flat and the otherwise excellent premise (and what I felt was a very cool ending) just can't redeem the story overall. It leaves me feeling the movie is mediocre at best... not bad but not good either which is very disappointing. I love the idea of the story and I really enjoyed parts of the movie but those parts just aren't enough to make me care to see the movie again which is, for me, the hallmark of a "good" movie.
  • Good movie!!!

    By Star*power
    If the trailer convinced you to watch it, then you shouldn’t be disappointed. This movie delivers in every way. It’s entertaining, adventurous, well written & acted with a superb cast! I loved this movie! It’s not perfect but it’s jem. I gave it a slightly higher rating than it deserves because it’s a good film that’s gotten some unfavorable reviews that it didn’t deserve. Don’t be deterred, it’s definitely worth watching!!!!!!!
  • Extraordinary, with exceptional Visuals and a truly amazing Storyline

    By BeardedBear16
    (Spoiler Alert, not really spoiling anything but just in case my words are found in that category) When I first saw the picture of this movie, I thought to myself “This looks like a good book to read”. This movie is awesome, I didn’t want to see the cast of the movie because I wanted to make sure I liked it for everything that it is, and it didn’t disappoint, the visual were crazy good, the acting was amazing, exceptional. Truly a masterpiece of the Sci-fi genre, given that it didn’t hit theaters.
  • Great movie

    By benjamin jared
    I was astonished the way the kid acted so good and all the actors were superb and can’t wait for a second!!
  • Gun

    By Frog God1
    Parts with the gun were funny and cool, parts without the gun were not.
  • Overrated Cool Poster

    By The_Nerdetta
    The poster gave me nostalgia , here I was thinking this is going to be a movie I won’t forget , comparable to stranger things, the goodies and every other 80s movie with kids in it with comedy action and adventure . It did give us drama and action but it wasn’t really appealing to me. The main character didn’t have enough background so we can relate to him. James Franco did a great job with his diversity in creating memorable characters. Unfortunately the movie plot wasn’t strong enough for me until the end I realized it has a terminator touch to it and left us thinking there might be a part two. I was disappointed , kept waiting and waiting for something drastic , something interesting that can explain something but Nada. The Movie was an epic fail for me

