

By Chang-dong Lee

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2018-10-26
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 2h 28min
  • Director: Chang-dong Lee
  • Production Company: Dirty Films
  • Production Country: Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 14 Ratings


Hailed by critics as one of the best films of the year, BURNING is a searing romantic thriller about a young man whose suspicions spin out of control when the free-spirited woman he loves disappears.




  • Instant Classic: La Dolce Dance!

    By cpittella
    There are some films that make you forget you are watching a film—those are the good ones. And there are the handful that transcend their medium, making you forget you are forgetting and bringing right into the film, to the "here and now" of its cinematic action—those are the precious ones. Among manyn memorable scenes, Burning has an electrifying dance (and I'm not giving anything away) that makes one think of the hipnotizing dance sequence in classic La Dolce Vita; this film is that powerful! It is certainly one of the best films of 2018, and it is simply incredible that it has not received a single Oscar nomination; it would easily win best adapted screenplay (from a Murakami short story) and best supporting actor/actress—to not say anything about best foreign film, where it would be a clear contender. Watch it; sell all your belongings if you need to, because this film can save lives!
  • Waste

    By tpolk
    Horrible. Boring. Long.
  • Really good

    By Ckstuds
    Great lesson about obsession
  • Artful, subtle masterpiece

    By Iris likes dogs
    I hardly ever leave reviews but I had to put a good word in for this film. Burning has insanely subtle performances by the three leads (Steven Yeun, Yoo Ah-in, Jeon Jong-seo) and is incredibly photographed -- highly recommend you to watch if you're looking for an artful mystery film that doesn't sacrifice anything for the story. You'll have to pay attention to details to feel satisfied at the end, since the director does a great job of weaving the answers into the film rather than spilling everything at the end. Wish it got nominated for Best Foreign Film this year because it deserves it, but please watch this!
  • This film is a work of art

    By ungrammed
    Burning was one of my favorite films I saw last year and deserves way more recognition than it has gotten. The film is incredibly simple and relies on nothing more than beautiful cinematography and amazing acting to tell it's story. Sad to see that it wasn't nominated for best foreign film because this was such an enjoyable watch to me and I'm still haunted by it.
  • Snubbed by Academy....

    By drummer3
    This was a terrific film that I found more memorable than even Roma for all the great foreign films of this past year. Just be warned, the writer/director doesn’t spell everything out for you.

