The Hole In the Ground

The Hole In the Ground

By Lee Cronin

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2019-03-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Lee Cronin
  • Production Company: Bankside Films
  • Production Country: Belgium, Finland, Ireland, United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 692 Ratings


Sarah and her young son Chris move to a new home in the Irish countryside next to a forest that hides an enormous sinkhole. One night, Chris vanishes, and when he reappears he seems unharmed and unchanged. But, as his behavior grows increasingly disturbing, Sarah begins to fear that the boy who has returned may not be her son at all. The feature debut from writer-director Lee Cronin, The Hole in the Ground weaves suspense, terror, and supernatural folklore into a richly evocative story about the primal fears of motherhood.





    By eric1949
    I was actually impressed my this horror/thriller movie. Different from the typical American blood & gore fare. Although a little claustrophobic towards the end, I found it entertaining !
  • Straddles the Uncanny Valley with Aplomb

    By GHinNoVa
    As a 99 cent rental, I give it 4 stars for the complete cast of CGI humans, alone. It’s really getting close to the point we won’t be able to tell CGI from the real thing. Soon, stars long gone will be making appearances in new roles on the big screen again. Gal Gadot starring opposite Humphrey Bogart in a brand new Philip Marlowe film noire. Scarlett Johansson tripping the loght fantastic with Fred Astaire. Marilyn Monroe and Cary Grant in the next Star Trek flick, perhaps?
  • not scary at all but interesting.

    By Emily Swirth
    i love horror movies and jump scares but this movie doesnt have either. it was interesting to watch but don’t expect it to be scary. Lots of parts didnt make sense and instread of hiding under my blanket in fear, i was laughing with my friends over the stupidity of the movie. Very dissapointed because the trailer made it seem scary but the movie itself is okay
  • Alright

    By double digit
    This is alright. It had some good parts. Not real scary at all. Not what I am normally used to with the scare factor. It was not that bad but not a top notch movie. Still worth a watch but only for rent.
  • Ehhh.

    By J.Ybarra
    It’s ok, if nothing good is on cable.
  • Not worth the rental

    By RockMachine1%
    This movie was horrible. That’s all I can say
  • Formulaic patter

    By deigeS
    The script plays straight out of a text book on “how to write a movie plot”, complete with pointless filler lines to meet all requirements. “Tell me I’m crazy!” (Me at the screen: HE JUST DID BY NOT BELIEVING YOU!) I know that example will only make sense if you’ve seen the film, but it was the scene that crawled most up my spine and I had to use it. Ok, let me just get my eye rolling out of the way. In the end the pacing is dull and I really didn't care what happened to either character. I feel like this should have been better. The creepy atmosphere and acting was great but since neither the acting team or sound editors were given much to work with, all anyone can do is shrug.
  • Wonderful, Scary...

    By Currankei
    ... and it actually ENDED! It didn’t just STOP, like most modern horror movies! It actually BUILT to an EXPLANATION and a full, satisfying ENDING! And, a great, plausible, earned one, too. Well written, directed and acted, this was a wonderful and COMPLETE movie experience. HIGHLY recommended!
  • Boring...

    By Bleddynt
    i will say the acting was good, but the story was slow, lacking, and overall boring. there was potential in the story but the delivery wasnt there and was predictable. i wouldnt recoment it.
  • Boring

    By Jaredpolitic
    Boring movie, not scary at all.. don’t waste your money

