Terminator: Dark Fate

Terminator: Dark Fate

By Tim Miller

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2019-11-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 8min
  • Director: Tim Miller
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: China, Hungary, Spain, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5,206 Ratings


Decades after Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) prevented Judgment Day, a lethal new Terminator is sent to eliminate the future leader of the resistance. In a fight to save mankind, battle-hardened Sarah Connor teams up with an unexpected ally (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and an enhanced super soldier to stop the deadliest Terminator yet. Humanity's fate hangs in the balance in this action-packed thrill ride from Tim Miller, the Director of Deadpool, and Producer James Cameron.




  • The best terminator!

    By donbondonbon
    The best terminator movie hands down!! Don't listen to these 1 star reviews... I don't know what they are watching cause it's definitely not Terminator: Dark fate!!! 😍😍
  • Awful

    By Frak!
    Pure money grab. I couldn’t even finish it.
  • Self-termination of the franchise

    By No_Ncknm
    This is not only a bad movie but also an insult to the first two movies and the main characters. I wouldn’t be interested, even if it was offered for free.
  • Decent T

    By Dun Poke Mah Phone
    Don’t listen to the cult with their woke this woke that, this movie is pretty decent
  • Another Woke Movie

    By AnonymousReviewerToday
    It’s what we have come to expect this day and age and it’s the reason Hollywood is struggling. This line says everything about the movie… "You are not the mother of some man that saves the future. You are the future.”
  • Someone let this franchise rest…

    By T-Gem
    Nothing about Dark Fate adds up. Just another attempt on making money off the title.
  • Meh

    Very boring
  • This Franchise Has Been Terminated

    By Watino64
    I’ve never been so let down by a film. Arnold and Linda Hamilton return, with James Cameron also involved, and the addition of Mackenzie Davis, who I think is a great actress. Oh, what could’ve been… I remember reading that Edward Furlong was returning as well and was so excited! Nope, it was just a de-aged/CGI version of him as a kid, who they killed in the opening scene and screwed up the entire lore!! What a slap in the face to Terminator fans. I don’t think I can ever forgive them for this abomination to one of the greatest franchises ever created. I hated it. It did have some decent action sequences, but that’s the only positive thing I can say.
  • The Lesbians will Love it

    By Pearlsnaredrummet77
    This is not a great film, but not super terrible either. It is very much a film that would appeal to Lesbians with a pretty hot female cast. The women are trying to protect Dani from a Terminator. A lot of Terminator style adventure and old Arnold makes an appearance. Worth $5 on a cold night.
  • Disregard Negative Reviews

    By knowsclassic
    This is a good movie! I see some good reviews and I see a bunch of bad reviews. Oftentimes, bad reviews cause people to reject and form bias on a movie they have not seen. I say, disregard the negative reviews! The best way to judge the book, is by reading the entire context. Only then you can form a judgment based on your individual consumption of the film. Now, I’m not saying everyone will agree that it’s a good/great movie based on what I say. I was one who judged a movie based on what others have said, only to realize, after months, years, that it was better than what was said in a negative review. All I’m saying is, don’t let the negative reviews you read sway you from a movie you may just enjoy, again and again and again.

