

By John Frankenheimer

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1998-09-25
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 1min
  • Director: John Frankenheimer
  • Production Company: United Artists
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,414 Ratings


An international team of former intelligence agents is hired to carry out a dangerous mission in this character-driven post-Cold War action adventure directed by veteran filmmaker John Frankenheimer. When the caper goes awry, each member reveals his true self. Featured among the operatives are Robert De Niro, Stellan Skarsgard, Jean Reno, Jonathan Pryce, Sean Bean and Natascha McElhone. Of the story whose title derives from the Japanese word meaning masterless samurai: "The characters, both male and female, are terribly good at what they do, they just have no place to do it anymore. They're hired to pull off a job, get double-crossed twice and have to get out of it. During a difficult job, the men and their morality, or lack of it, is revealed."




  • Great!

    By GlennBond
    Love this movie! The cast is great! The story! The Director! One of the best car chases ever filmed is in this movie! Love how it looks and feels so European! Just fantastic!
  • Amazing Car Chases and Story

    By instarickstigator
    Car chases (3 total) are the best of any film ever made, and the story is spy noir at its best.
  • Major Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By 16 HORSES
    Ronin is a True Kicking and Screaming Action Thriller!God Bless The Godfather Robert Deniro Who still Keeping Pace With Young Spring Chickens of today and this movie was a great exapmle of that,and of course Frankenhiemer gave us one Hell of a Spellbinding Car Chase.This is one of my Favorite Films Ever.Check this one out.
  • lol

    By moonmycron
    This is so ridiculous it's funny, Robert Deniro as a slick CIA agent? Blinking lights during a chase scene? Major accident not a trace of a scratch? If it were done tongue in cheek it might have been acceptable, but they take themselves serious and you can't help but think how hokey it is.
  • I Love This Movie

    By Stills Fan 01
    I'm not sure why but this is one of those movies that I will never get tired of watching. I can almost recite the lines.
  • Very good

    Very good
  • Top 3 Movies

    By Ronin Security
    This movie is in my top 3 favorite movies. I like the action and interesting plot.
  • Frankenheimer and the rules of engagement

    By Peter Talbot
    In the guise of a formulaic action picture, John Frankenheimer demythologizes the good and evil inherent in the genre. As with The Train, his earlier warpic, the focus is on the limits of duty and the dehumanizing perils of obsession. Suffice it to say that though there is action and plot twists galore, and a beautifully acted (by Michael Lonsdale, DeNiro, Reno) entracte concerning the lost Ronin and the price of the Bushido (Samurai) code that is only barely persuasive, the center of the story involves shifting and uncertain loyalties among soldiers of fortune concerning the theft, re-theft and attempted recovery of a macguffin of terrible import from ostensible Irish? terrorists, disgruntled east german downsized intelligence operatives, smarmy and ineffective privatized Russian goons and a parade of Eurotrash. All of which is just incident surrounding the growth through the film of a friendship that transcends the plot, the action and the intentions and duties of the characters. The movie is about friends in low and dangerous places and the self-delusions amateurs (like the brilliantly cast Sean Bean) and professionals (like the egregious villian played with swagger by Pryce) employ in the justification of both their successes and their failures. The writing in some of the short scenes, the flair Frankenheimer has for establishing long perspective shots, the brilliant casting and the by turns intuitive and annoying score all make for a movie that is much more memorable than you will at first realize. Among the best on the genre with Smiley and Ludlum's entries by Greenglas since the Berlin wall fell. Count on it: anyone that downgraded this film below a B or three stars is illiterate.
  • Desert Island Disc

    By DavidAL
    There are movies that come and go on my iPod. This one is one that is always there even though I know every twist through the stadium, ever crash under Paris. Every gun shot and every joke. Ronin is perhaps one of the best ensemble casts in quite some time, with enough suspense and action in balance to make you wonder what is going to happen next, even if you have seen it dozens of times. It is iconic.
  • Possibly best espionage movie ever made

    By ndglass99
    Awesome, and....... and it has Natascha McElhone in it.

