Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship

By Steve Beck

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2002-10-31
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Steve Beck
  • Production Company: Village Roadshow Pictures
  • Production Country: Australia, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,434 Ratings





  • What?

    By Crazy mamajama
    People who didn’t like this movie are dummies. 🤪
  • Cool film

    By fjemdkd
    Idk why this gets so much hate on rotten tomatoes. The movie is actually really entertaining and even though it isnt the scariest film. I would say it kept me happy throughout. The twist was something I honestly didn’t expect. Maybe im just dumb though. But either way its a cool film that, for 5 bucks, you can not go wrong with. I definitely got more than my moneys worth.
  • Pretty good

    By double digit
    This was pretty good. Acting was good. It wasn’t really that scary at all. It was more just crazy things happening. The special effects were pretty good. The movie does pull it all together. Then you get the plot twist to close out the movie. So it pretty good.

    By destinynorwood
    Most people don’t put 2 & 2 together, so this movie probably isn’t the best for them. The first time I saw this I was probably 8 or 9. I couldn’t believe how great this movie is. It became my all time favorite! Again, it’s not for everyone. There’s plenty of great movies out there, But I say you need to watch this one a few times and actually watch it. I wish they had made ghost ship 2!! Thank you iTunes for having this DIAMOND!!!! 🖤
  • Love it!! 👻💋

    By 1azurebird
    Looking for a fun filled old school Ghost story? This is the one! It also adds mystery and suspense you have to discover before the truth comes out! You won’t regret it!
  • Good movie

    By Razzbeary
    My favorite scene is where the “crew members” start killing and poisoning the passengers. The background song “My Little Box” is awesome!
  • Good movie

    By NikkiBaby8008
    It’s a decent horror movie to watch.
  • Wow, It's Bad.

    By MedicZero
    This was a movie I had high hopes for... what a disappointment. Stereotypical characters picked off one by one, until the climactic scene so easily foreseen, the only gratification is the realization your prediction was correct from the start.
  • My favorite movie

    By akanewnew
    My favorite part about this movie is when the little girl showed her what really happened to the ship I love this movie so much this is my favorite movie out of all my movies I like
  • Omg

    By Taliya0218
    I used to watch this movie when I was a kid and it's still as good as it was then for me.

