The Incredible Journey

The Incredible Journey

By Fletcher Markle

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 1963-10-30
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 20min
  • Director: Fletcher Markle
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Productions
  • Production Country: Canada, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 111 Ratings


In heartwarming Disney fashion comes the original animal adventure that charmed audiences everywhere. Set against the majesty of the Canadian wilderness, "The Incredible Journey" is the heartfelt story of three beloved animals in search of their home and family. Two dogs and a cat -- Bodget, Luath, and Tao -- are left with a loving friend 200 miles away from home. But they miss their human family. So they leave only to find their way home full of danger! A lynx, a mean farm dog, and a fiercely protective mother bear are among the obstacles in their treacherous path. This inspiring Disney classic is endearing entertainment your family will enjoy again and again.




  • Walt Disney The Incredible Journey (1963)

    By iBandicoot
    Why isn't The Incredible Journey from 1963 on sale? I want to buy it. I've got to have this movie for sure. I remember when my grandpa bought it for me when I was a year old or maybe months.
  • The original Incredible Journey!

    By HondaMom66
    Why is this movie still ONLY for rent? Please let us buy it! It is one of my all-time favorites!
  • What No buy option for Journey?

    By Cultured MusicMan
    this film is classic, i would love to buy this film for sure! much better then the remake no offense. people of all ages can enjoy this picture. the story is told with warmth and charm and delight to the senses and make you feel the friendship between the animal actors without the help of computers. :) enjoy.
  • I want to buy too!

    By jstoutcc
    I agree with all the posts below. This was much better than Homeward Bound. I was so disappointed to see we could only rent it.
  • Riveting performances

    By Merry Go Bye Bye
    Remember when the Bull Terrier Bodget won an Oscar for Best Actor In a Supporting Role? The best part was during his acceptance speech at the Academy Awards when he pooped on the stage and Gregory Peck stepped in it!
  • I Want To BUY

    By MacDan2004
    This is the original - way better than the remake. Classic film and I want to OWN this. Disney - get off it and put this up for sale!!!!!
  • The Glorious Original!

    By s lee
    Not to date myself or anything, but I saw this movie in theaters as a small child and have loved both the book and the movie ever since. With all due respects to the talents of Michael J. Fox, Don Ameche and all, this is the better movie. You have to read into the animals what the book was saying, not have a voice tell you. The voice over by Rex Allen is tremendous, the Canadian scenery is absolutely spectacular, and if you are EVER loved by anyone or anything as much as the animals in this movie love their humans, well, count yourself lucky! And please make this movie for sale, not just for rent - it's become awfully hard to find since the "homeward bound" version came out.
  • Such A GREAT Disney Movie!!

    By Teddy Tadpole
    Please make this movie "THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" available to buy. We want to buy it!! Not rent it!!!!
  • to clarify

    By joecro2000
    this is the original movie. "Homeward Bound" is a remake of this.
  • Eh? O.o

    By KandiPony
    Was this made before or after 'Homeward Bound'? I ask because (and correct me if I'm wrong) it appears to be the exact same bloody thing!! Having grown up with the former I would be extremely disappointed to learn that this was a rip-off :/

