Ocean's Twelve

Ocean's Twelve

By Steven Soderbergh

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2004-12-10
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 5min
  • Director: Steven Soderbergh
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 7,316 Ratings


They're back. And then some. Twelve is the new eleven when Danny Ocean and pals return in a sequel to the cool caper that saw them pull off a $160 million heist. But $160 million doesn't go as far as it used to. Not with everyone spending like sailors on leave. Not with a mysterious someone stalking Danny and crew. It's time to pull off another stunner of a plan or plans. With locations including Amsterdam, Paris and Rome, the direction of Steven Soderbergh and the original cast plus Catherine Zeta-Jones and others, Twelve is your lucky number.




  • Skip this movie

    By Pushba
    Oceans 11 and 13 are the only movies worth watching. I was incredibly disappointed watching this movie. I felt like I was in detention watching this movie and couldn’t wait for it to end. Clearly this movie was a cash grab and no one cared that it didn’t have a plot.
  • P!nk@l!c!0u$ & Pe+err!f!c

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye enj0yed 0ce@n'$ 12 0n Hulu l@$+ n!gh+ 0n $ep+ember 27, 2019. Eye h0pe 2 w@+ch 0ce@n'$ 13 nex+.
  • For

    By f vgr
    Tft vgggg. Cycling tcgggegfg
  • The title of my post is - Oceans 12 is crap

    By Greentu66
    it's crap
  • My favorite of the three

    By HTW
    I'm not sure why this has such mixed reviews. Like the other Oceans films, the director (under-appreciated Steven Soderbergh) knows exactly what he's doing - presenting a genre film with A-list stars - and making it a point to not be too serious about it. He and everyone in the film are aware they're making a movie just to pay the bills, but they have a lot of fun with it anyway, and so do viewers. These critics need to lighten up. This isn't The English Patient. It's a popcorn movie, and a good one.
  • "Ocean's Twelve"

    What I love about this one, is that I love the competition between two thieves :)
  • I hate to say this but Brad Pitt is just too pretty in this movie....

    By ray0923
    Feel good movies, shows Pitty's charm mostly.....
  • Ugh!!!!

    By IZ987654321
    Now, this is a terrible movie! I guess the bean counters in Hollywood figured they could create a work of art using a bunch of big names. A total misappropriation of talent. The script is boring making the movie drag along.
  • This movie stunk

    By Crimson and White
    Honestly not a great sequal to follow oceans 11. It was dull at times, it was too slow, and just dragged at times and i just wanted it to finally get to the point. Even when it got to the point it wasn't a great pay off and was just like "really is that it?" I was so looking forward to this movie but just came away disappointed.
  • Why the HELL...

    By dan68923
    ...is THIS and Ocean's 13 avalible on itunes, when the $%%# best one in the series (Ocean's 11) isn't! I give this 3 stars, but compared to the first, it deserves 0.

