The Nutty Professor

The Nutty Professor

By Jerry Lewis

  • Genre: Classics
  • Release Date: 1963-06-04
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Jerry Lewis
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,323 Ratings


Jerry Lewis directed, co-wrote and starred in this riotously funny movie that set a new standard for screen comedy and inspired the hit remake. Lewis plays a timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher who discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times, and the professor begins to suffer hilarious symptoms of his personality split. Co-starring Stella Stevens.




  • just Nutty

    By Backroad Rider
    First of all, don't expect any realism. The college students are old, the Buddy Love character doesn't establish the reason for his tremedous appeal for two examples. The comedic genious of Lewis carries the film though there are some strong acters as foils. This isn't his best work as enternatimant as many claim. Maybe critics are more impressed with his ability to write, direct, produce and star in the film.
  • Mr. Jerry Lewis.

    By duifje1
    I grew up watching your movies and you put a smile on my face every day of my life. Thank you very much! Maria Omensky.
  • The ugly perfesor

    By Deniniasele
    This movie is creepy
  • Not very family friendly.

    By thegreens6
    Although deemed appropriate for family, the content of this movie is questionable. There are scenes of alchohol and tobacco use, and at one point, the lead character is very intoxicated while he bullies females in a local college bar. Jerry Lewis is one of my favorite actors, yet in this movie I question his judgment in acceptable content.
  • Love it

    By French4life
    This movie has been in my mom's family and it's now my turn to love it. U loved it ever since I watched it I think I was about 6 too lol. We always make references to the movie, each time that we mention buddy love we always have to sing afterward ~love love love~ (you will know why once you watch it). I'm so happy that I found it on iTunes and I am able to buy it!! It's a specific humour so rent it and if u fall in love with it you will want to watch it over and over.
  • LOL

    By coolbeans!!!!
    I have loved this movie sence I was about 6 years old. It's awsome i love Jerry Lewis he's so funny and this movie is probly my fav of his I've seen I love buddy love (lol)!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The Nutty Professor

    By sunsetcolors
    Jerry Lewis is too MUCH! Laugh until your sides hurt. Good family fun.
  • The Nutty Professor

    By iRate U
    This movie is a must see on your own or the whole family. I LOVE IT! I can tell you it non-stop laughing. Unlike other movies that are questionable this movie and all Jerry Lewis movies are a blast.
  • The Nutty Professor (1993)

    By Alonzo1001
    This is an excellent movie that is great for the whole family! (+ Jerry Lewis isn't hard on the eyes either!) [THIS IS THE ORIGINAL 1993 VERSION] I HIGHLY recommend any Jerry Lewis film. Once you watch one you have to watch em all! This movie is timeless.

