Universally acclaimed for their performances, Nicolas Cage and Matthew Modine star in Alan Parker's "Birdy." Telling the story of an emotionally disturbed Vietnam Veteran, this deeply moving film is based on the fascinating novel by William Wharton.
Thought provoking film!
By AlanOnBass
Makes you question our ideas of sanity and insanity, and wonder if maybe, just maybe, we don't have it a little backwards. Great film score from Peter Gabriel, which should have been left intact and not included the Richie Valenzuela. No disrespect to Mr. Valenz intended.
By Cusungo
This is an excellent movie. The way the personality of Birdy and Al are defined is unique. Al, outgoing but insecure (not able to stand against his dad), Birdy introverted but secure of himself, focus, able to defend what he thought was right and proud of his dad. I don't think Birdy should be considered crazy, he had a different perception of what he wanted to do in life and unfortunately got affected by war like a lot of people. His reaction was probably the way to stay sane after what he experienced at war. Excellent movie, I had it in VHS and now was able to watch it again. Peter Gabriel's music, a plus!!