20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

By Richard Fleischer

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 1954-12-23
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 2h 7min
  • Director: Richard Fleischer
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 900 Ratings


Climb aboard the Nautilus ... and into a strange undersea world of spellbinding adventure! Kirk Douglas, Paul Lukas, and Peter Lorre star as shipwrecked survivors taken captive by the mysterious Captain Nemo, brilliantly portrayed by James Mason. Wavering between genius and madness, Nemo has launched a deadly crusade across the seven seas. But can the captive crew expose his evil plan before he destroys the world? Disney's brilliant Academy Award-winning (1955, Best Art Direction and Best Special Effects) adaptation of Jules Verne's gripping tale makes "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" a truly mesmerizing masterpiece!




  • EPIC Movie‼️

    By bdufrene27
    I absolutely love this movie! A few months ago I watched it every day for a week lol and I'm 43 yrs old!
  • OceanWolf

    By Clynoth
    One of the best movies ever! Anyone who says otherwise is DEAD WRONG!!!!
  • A poor rendition of a great story

    By El Capitan30
    I was very much looking forward to watching this movie given all the spectacular reviews. However I was left disappointed, especially being familiar with Jules Verne's book. The movie deviates away from the original in key areas and fails to develop the characters and plot of the original story. Kirk Douglas' portrayal of Ned Land was unbearably irritating and not so "family friendly". In general the casting was very ordinary, perhaps only saved by James Mason in his role as Nemo. The special effects are often laughable and the scenery at times incredibly staged. In my opinion, this high seas adventure is completely outclassed by a much earlier 1930's classic movie, Captain's Courageous.

    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 (2020)
  • Special Disney Movie set the bar high

    By WTPC 95.5 FM
    Imaginative telling of the Jules Verne novel with top drawer special effects, action, and superb acting. James Mason is brilliant as the dark and complicated Captain Nemo. Kirk Douglas as master harpooner Ned Land is equally good. The Giant Squid encounter and battle set the bar high for special effects in 1954 and still works more than 60 years later. Sci-fi adventure with a dark undercurrent too.
  • Fun movie, just a couple nitpicks for me

    By JustMy2Sense
    I’ve never read the book and never seen the movie before now. I liked the consistency of reviews touting this is a family movie. I was only disappointed by the song Kirk sings on deck about fooling around with some guy’s wife (so much for family values there). I was also hoping for a better ending. Nemo’s crew reminded me a lot of the “crew" in the Disney movie The Black Hole who help run that ship. Just unbelievable that they would so willingly go to their deaths like they did. Another big ding against family watchability to me. I would have liked to have seen the survivors go back to San Francisco to tell their tale of the monster. It would have been the perfect bow to wrap on the ending. Maybe that part is in the book? All in all a fun movie and a visual feast.
  • Big Budget Classic

    By Frank C 66554321.
    I can see why many people enjoy this 1954 Disney adaptation of the Jules Verne classic novel, but it fell a little short for me. The acting is subpar and the story didn’t capture the captains motives well. But the set’s and special effects are excellent. It plays out better as an Action Adventure film than a Sci-Fi.
  • The best movie ever!

    By Krissiee:)
    This is without a doubt the best movie of all time! I will always love 20,000 leagues under the sea!!
  • Party

    By Udhcgjsh m
    Best movie in the world
  • 20

    By meegee2
    Loved it when first watched ie as a little boy in the 50"s and stoll love it .

