Oscar-winning adaptation of Tennessee Williams' acclaimed play stars Academy Award-winner Paul Newman ("Nobody's Fool," "The Sting," "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid") as a womanizing drifter who returns to his Florida home town with an aging movie actress only to run into trouble with his former girlfriend's corrupt father. Ed Begley ("12 Angry Men") took home an Oscar for his portrayal of the brutal mayor who seeks revenge on Newman for seducing his daughter. Oscar-winner Geraldine Page ("The Trip to Bountiful") scored an Oscar nomination as the fading movie queen, as did Shirley Knight (TV's "The Billionaire Boys Club") as Newman's girlfriend. With Oscar-nominee and Emmy-winner Rip Torn (TV's "The Larry Sanders Show"). Written and directed by Academy Award-winner Richard Brooks ("Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"). Produced by Academy Award-recipient Pandro S. Berman ("Ivanhoe," "Top Hat," "Father of the Bride").