

By Jean Negulesco

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1953-04-16
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Jean Negulesco
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 25,760 Ratings


Titanic is a poignant retelling of the 1912 sinking of the luxury liner and of the lives that were lost during its slow descent into the Atlantic. The film is a feast for the eyes, with lavish production values and a painstaking attention to detail, in particular to the authenticity of the design of the ship. The film's Oscar-winning screenplay is a deft blending of fact and fancy that poignantly explores the lives of those aboard this doomed vessel. The sinking of the Titanic serves as the backdrop for a several fictional subplots, chief of which involves snobby socialite Richard Sturges and his wife, Julia. Mrs. Sturges has booked passage on the ill-fated passenger ship with her daughter and son, leaving her husband far behind. Richard manages to board the ship at the last minute, but to no avail: immediately Julia reveals her plans to divorce him. When the Titanic sideswipes an iceberg, Richard shows considerable bravery, ensuring that the women and children aboard are ushered to safety. He is reunited and reconciled with his son, and poignantly the two face their final moments on earth together.




  • An underrated gem.

    By tikiroomfan
    MUCH better than DiCaprio’s version, if you ask me...
  • I like it

    By an anynomus octoling
    I really liked it also did you notice that James Cameron sunk some scene references in the 1997 version from the 1953 version.
  • Excellent movie!!

    By Merlina79
    This movie is a true classic! I mean come on! It's Barbara Stanwyck and Clifton Webb! The story is very interesting, completely different from the 1997 version but hey, we all know how both movies end right? I highly recommend this movie to any Titanic fan as well as any classic movie aficionado. And all of you teenyboppers and 1997 version lovers ... Watch it and learn!
  • Don't punish this film for problems

    By gb0923
    It isn't fair to punish this movie for not being the 1997 version. I have never seen this movie but I am giving it 5 stars on principle to offset the 1 star reviews by people cuz the 90s one hadn't been released yet or because buyers didn't notice this was a 50s film. From what I've seen of this movie it was good for what it was at the time.
  • Titanic

    By Bonito44
    This movie has terrible use of quality and acting. Titanic 1997 is WAY BETTER then this crap, and is the ONLY Titanic movie that's great. I'm done watching Titanic movies besides the 1997 one cause it was way better.
  • Except for the cartoons, I've seen every version, including TV

    By artSavant
    This is the one I chose to buy. The acting is first-rate and the tragedy epically portrayed, but it's the story that sets it above every other version. If you're ready for a grownup version, this is it, and it makes me cry every time.
  • Classic Cinematic Drama

    By Wordman
    Driven by character development and human drama, this Titanic is a true cinematic masterpiece. Top drawer theater draws is into the state rooms, parlors and lifeboats; and into the breaking hearts and terrified and heroic souls of the doomed characters. Yes, more modern "Titanics" display technical facts more precisely and amaze. This one makes you cry.
  • Classic

    By theuman67
    It an astounding movie done in 1953, it's been 60 years since I have watched this film, I was 18 years old, when this film was released, it was and still Is the best "Titanic" Film ever made. Now I am 78 years old and my love for this movie still stands.
  • itis great

    By Cseneker
    i love this movie if you have not sean it you have to.
  • Love it!!

    By avehank
    I saw only the preview of it and already love it! I love the stories of the Titanic!

