Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump

By Robert Zemeckis

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1994-07-06
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 22min
  • Director: Robert Zemeckis
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 27,926 Ratings


Tom Hanks gives an astonishing performance as Forrest, an everyman whose simple innocence comes to embody a generation. Alongside his mamma (Sally Field), his best friend Bubba (Mykelti Williamson), and his favorite girl Jenny (Robin Wright), Forrest has a ringside seat for the most memorable events of the second half of the 20th century. Winner of six Academy Awards®, including Best Picture, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis), and Best Actor (Tom Hanks), FORREST GUMP remains one of the great movie triumphs of all time.




  • Maybe the best American movie ever made.

    By Axlrules
    This is entertainment at it’s absolute finest. One of those movies you can watch a 100 times and never tire of. This is as good as movies can get.
  • Literally the best movie ever.

    By iguessirategames
    I simply love it. I mean, it has all of my favorite genres combined, plus more. War, history, drama, romance, a bit of comedy, and this is such a heartfelt movie. Inspirational even. It also just shows how turbulent the decade of the 60s through the 70s were. The moon landing, the Vietnam war, JFK's assassination, and a lot more. It also amazed me on how they were able to film the part where Forrest met with president Kennedy. I mean, he was dead when this movie was made, so was it like a green screen or CGI? I mean, this is such a well made movie. Though I kind of wish it gave us some background on Jenny's dad. I know he was abusive, but like what did he do? I just love every last bit of this movie. I could write and entire essay on how much I love this movie.
  • Tom Hanks

  • Never get old

    By Jonphoto89
    I can keep watching because he got so many different scene going on. Go place to next and next place. The role play was great! It must see and own it!
  • Tom Hanks Great actor but not for Forrest Gump

    By LvNurock
    This movie isnt good… especially its nothing like the book The book is better the movie is terrible.. the only thing i loved about this movie was Gary sinise as the army lt
  • Possibly Tom Hanks’ Magnum Opus

    By BanditXIII
    Why didn’t this get a Fresh Tomatoes badge?!?
  • Gump

    By sbrjttb
  • The most INANE movie I’ve ever seen...

    By IrishPirQueen
    The last time I boarded a plane, I made SURE I got a window seat. It was a clear, gorgeous day. I was ready with my camera. We get up in the air and stewardess announces to lower our window shades. We were going to see a movie. ”WHAT? Are you crazy? The view is perfectly clear. The United States is passing underneath us! The mountains look like frosted cookies! “And you want to show a **** movie? Are you some kind of lunatic?” They put on Forrest Gump! “I hate this movie! It is so exceedingly STUPID! Forrest is supposed to be mentally challenged but he talks in complex sentences!” “Life is like a box of chocolates...” Tell your son, Sally, all he has to do is turn over the chocolate and you can see what is inside!” Frosted cookies! I wouldn’t wish this movie on ANYone! I lifted my shade!
  • greatest movie !

    By alex17!
    it’s literally the best ! i recommend people watch it :)
  • Review

    By CoolAirHeater
    Watched this a few years back when I was younger. It made me realize that I love history

