

By Pixar

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2009-05-29
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Pixar 81758682
  • Production Company: Pixar
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 20,481 Ratings


From the revolutionary minds of Pixar Animation Studios and the acclaimed director of Monsters, Inc. comes a hilariously uplifting adventure where the sky is no longer the limit. Carl Fredricksen, a retired balloon salesman is part rascal, part dreamer who is ready for his last chance at high-flying excitement. Tying thousands of balloons to his house, Carl sets off to the lost world of his childhood dreams. Unbeknownst to Carl, Russell, an overeager 8-year old Wilderness Explorer who has never ventured beyond his backyard, is in the wrong place at the wrong time – Carl's front porch! The world's most unlikely duo reaches new heights and meets fantastic friends like Dug, a dog with a special collar that allows him to speak, and Kevin, the rare 13-foot tall flightless bird. Stuck together in the wilds of the jungle, Carl realizes that sometimes life's biggest adventures aren't the ones you set out looking for. Up reaches new heights and it's an adventure that will send your spirits soaring!




  • Give 6 stars

    By AniMus88
    Such a beautiful tale
  • awsome

    By Cabron666
    awsome movie!
  • Great 3D, Greater Movie

    By Just another movie review
    I’m going to be reviewing the 3D Blu Ray transfer of Up and not the actual movie itself in this review. However, I will start off by saying that 3D or no, Up is an amazing film. Most people have probably already seen it by now, but it’s still one of the most funny, sad, and most heartwarming and inspiring animated films I have ever seen. Up an incredible film and must be seen regardless of your age. It’s brilliant in virtually every aspect. That said, let’s dive into whether or not the 3D transfer is worth buying because that’s what I do here for 3D films. If you’ve ever read a Cinemablend To 3D or Not article, than you know how we’re breaking this down. So let’s begin. Does it Fit? 5/5 Animated films have always been an immediate great fit for 3D. And Up is no exception. With a flying house, beautiful vast views of South America, and everything in between, Up demands the 3D treatment. Planning and Effort 4/5 Up’s 3D transfer isn’t without a few caveats that I’ll mention below. But for the most part, the planning and effort behind the 3D is amazing just like the movie itself. Up is a great fit for 3D and the makers know it, so they’ve made as great in 3D as you have the right to expect. Before the Window 2/5 Up succeeds in 3D, but not necessarily when it comes to throwing things out of the window. There are a few moments when Alpha sticks his intimating head out at you or Kevin’s beak protrudes the screen a little. But these moments aren’t used enough or hardly at all. We do see a few people’s heads make their way out of the screen from time to time, but there’s virtually nothing wowing here. Beyond the Window 5/5 Up may have slacked in the Before the Window category. But that’s only because the 3D people behind Up were focusing their efforts here, and it more than shows. From the vast enormous views of Paradise Falls to the jungle to the giant cave to other beautifully done places in South America, Up shines. But I think the best use of this technology is when Carl’s house takes liftoff. The high “up” views provide some of the greatest depth I’ve seen on a Blu Ray 3D transfer in a loong time. There are a couple of instances of ghosting on the Blu Ray 3D version, but they barely put a scratch on what is an otherwise stunning picture. Brightness 4/5 For the most part, Up remains very bright, colorful, and vibrant, even with the glasses on. There are only a few moments like at night when the image, while is perfectly watchable, can be enough to make you want to remove your glasses. But luckily, the rest of the movie stays bright and watchable. Glasses Off Test 4/5 For those who’ve never caught on yet, if you take your glasses off during a 3D movie, you should see good amounts of blur. This would mean you’re getting great depth and the most 3D bang for your buck. Up succeeds this with flying colors during the scenes where the depth is well deserved. But during the more modest scenes such as inside Carl’s house, you can watch the scenes almost perfectly fine without the glasses. But be sure to put those glasses back on before Carl’s house takes off for adventure. Audience Health 5/5 Unless you consider potential vertigo for people who have a fear of heights, I left feeling no sick effects from the 3D whatsoever. Conclusion: 29/35 Considering how movies like Ghosts of the Abyss and Cloudy With a Chance Of Meatballs have scores of 34/35 and even the very flawed Polar Express Blu Ray 3D transfer still made 30/35, a 29/35 shouldn’t sound all that impressive. But trust me, Up is DEFINITELY worth seeing in 3D. The film only really loses merits in the Before the Window category. But that’s only because Up 3D is more about depth. And that depth is VERY astounding. If you can, do buy Up in 3D. If you’re happy with Up just the way it is considering how great of an animated movie it is even in plain old 2D, I’m not going to force you to buy it in 3D. But if you’re out for the best of the best of 3D movies, I strongly recommend Up in 3D.
  • I’m in love with Dug

    By Sparklez🐺
    *hugs him* 🥰😍 Why do I still watch these Disney movies even though I’m too old lol I’m like 12
  • Adventure is DEFIANTLY out there!

    By Kevapedia
    Great film from the PIXAR company.
  • arabic dubbing

    By ad3b6
    Please try to add the arabic dubbing in all your movies.
  • My favorite movie EVER.

    By BAMbam1801
    I love this movie so much because it has a unique story plot and the theme is to never say no to adventure and keep your promises.
  • A wonderful film!

    By NefariousOxide
    Great movie for the whole family!
  • Pretty great movie 10/10

    By derekp0115
    This movie made me cry and it’s better than a bug’s life
  • Great game Great app

    By f fccddx
    Great app great

