

By Kiyoshi Kurosawa

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2005-11-09
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 59min
  • Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
  • Production Company: Kinorob
  • Production Country: Ukraine
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 31 Ratings


Before The Grudge, before Dark Water, there was Pulse, one of the scariest films ever made from the master of Japanese horror, Kiyoshi Kurosawa. A group of young friends is rocked by the sudden suicide of one of their own. When his ghostly image appears on their computer screens, something far more horrifying is unleashed. The terror mounts as more deaths and disappearances occur. Kurosawa’s Pulse is a psychologically unsettling tale, which effects will endure long after the chills have subsided.




  • This was awful

    By 808Fee
    slow-paced, not creepy at all, plus it made absolutely no sense - at least not to me. How this flick got 73% on Rotten Tomatoes is beyond me. Take your money and buy a couple of candy bars instead.
  • This is a Classic!!

    By LifeWithoutFIsALie
    Don't bother even reading these revies from Rotten Tomatoes they are rating the AMERICAN REMAKE not the original PULSE japanese one from 2001 being displayed here!!!! Pulse is one of the revolutionizing horror movies. Very contemporary, it wonders about the virtual world and how alienated we can become through it. It was also inspired by the classic anime series "Serial Experiments: Lain". Outstanding stuff, this is no silly copycat horror movie we see coming from asia all the time, this is quality! Go ahead and watch!

