

By James Gunn

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2011-04-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: James Gunn
  • Production Company: Toei Animation
  • Production Country: Japan
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,873 Ratings


In the outlandish dark comedy SUPER, James Gunn has created what is perhaps the definitive take on self-reflexive superheroes. When sad-sack loser Frank (Rainn Wilson) sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler) willingly snatched by a seductive drug dealer (Kevin Bacon), he finds himself bereft and wholly unable to cope. But soon he decides to fight back under the guise of a DIY superhero called Crimson Bolt. With a hand-made suit, a wrench and a crazed sidekick named Boltie (Ellen Page), the Crimson Bolt beats his way through the mean streets of crime in hopes of saving his wife. The rules were written a long time ago: You are not supposed to molest children, cut lines or key cars; if you do, prepare to face the wrath of the Crimson Bolt! No stranger to rebel filmmaking, James Gunn cut his teeth writing for Troma before making his directing debut with 2006's SLITHER. In a similar vein, his follow-up feature combines absurd humor with balls-out violence to create something that is both unashamed and inimitable. But this time Gunn adds a new ingredient, one that is dark, dramatic and subversive to the core.




  • Trash

    By golichi
    I'm surprised some people like it. But I guess it's a reflection of today's society. One that laugh's at the most perverse situations. Comes across as something made by an angry person who collected the worse things in life and tried to package it as something watchable/laughable. I couldn't get through the entire movie, that's how bad it was. Don't bother watching it. I wish I could unsee it, and get my 4 bucks back.
  • Wounded

    By ZevBenMercy
    This movie wounded me. Alas, we should experience the things that wound.
  • Amazing

    By laxpaul
    Such a good movie! Excellent story, awesome acting
  • Gritty, realistic, funny, and dramatic.

    By Proud290
    This movie has touched me in so many levels, and is so unique, and authentic, and clever. Please buy this movie. Please.
  • Super is Fantastic.

    By ViknesWarren
    Dark and depressing at times but Super is a movie with which challenges what is good and what is evil,what is right and what is wrong.I like the message.
  • Amazing

    By Alibooboo123
    Just saw this movie for the first time and although I thought I was going to get some movie just to kill some time because I was bored I was pleasantly surprised to find a deep movie with a great plot and overall a meaningful and satisfying ending.
  • Amazing

    By Biggest fan ever33
    You have to have a certain humor to appreciate it if you like step brothers you will love this!!
  • Great take on a super hero movie

    By mmdyer
    With Rainn Wilson as the lead I was expecting this to be a comedy but that's not what this movie is. It's a complex actiony, drama with a few funny scenes. It ended up being quite sad. That said I thought that it was great and i really enjoyed watching this film. Great cast and I particularly liked Ellen Page's character.

    By twistedchic
    Itunes do yourself a favor and make the price lower, and or at least for rent.I thought this was going to be another hero movie, not the case. NOT A KIDS MOVIE!!!Superman is about the exception(with Chris Reeves).Itunes do everyone a win win favor,given you would still come out sitting pretty and MAKE THIS4 RENT!!! This is not pixar, or disney, or even remotely like that, the american way-make this profitable for we may not even be able to have such nice things in this recession!!!!! Truth Justice and the american way.MAKE THIS AFFORDABLE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • You get it or you don't

    By elvisdmd
    Do not go into this thinking this is a comedy or the next great super hero movie. It's not. It is so much more. As I stated before you will either get it or you won't. For those that don't you will be terribly frustrated trying to find any entertainment here. It doesn't work as a comedy or as an action film. It is more interested in telling a very human story. So I guess calling it a drama would be best, but that may be selling it short. Having just watched all I can say is open your mind a bit and you will find a lot to love with this movie. Just be warned it is chock full of graphic violence. Doesn't hurt my feelings but may not be for everyone.

