Tokyo Story

Tokyo Story

By Yasujiro Ozu

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1953-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 16min
  • Director: Yasujiro Ozu
  • Production Company: Shochiku
  • Production Country: Japan
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,092 Ratings


Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story (Tokyo Monogatari) follows an aging couple, Tomi and Sukichi, on their journey from their rural village to visit their two married children in bustling, postwar Tokyo. Their reception is disappointing: too busy to entertain them, their children send them off to a health spa. After Tomi falls ill she and Sukichi return home, while the children, grief-stricken, hasten to be with her. From a simple tale unfolds one of the greatest of all Japanese films. Starring Ozu regulars Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara, the film reprises one of the director’s favorite themes—that of generational conflict—in a way that is quintessentially Japanese and yet so universal in its appeal that it continues to resonate as one of cinema’s greatest masterpieces.




  • A True Masterpiece

    By Frank C 66554321.
    Every shot it perfect. This is a true piece of art. A major masterpiece. From beginning to end, Ozu’s direction is spot on. He has created one of the greatest films of all time. No one has come close to this style of storytelling.
  • A simple masterpiece.

    By Shredder 418
    Arguably the greatest film of Japanese cinema, it is also arguably the most heart-wrenching film ever made. A must-see.

