My Best Friend's Wedding

My Best Friend's Wedding

By P.J. Hogan

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 1997-06-20
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 44min
  • Director: P.J. Hogan
  • Production Company: TriStar Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,691 Ratings


Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz and Rupert Everett star in MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING, a high-spirited romantic comedy that serves up something wild, something new, something touching and something truly hilarious. Roberts dazzles as commitment-shy Jules Potter, who reluctantly realizes she is in love with her best friend Michael (Mulroney). There is just one catch: he's about to marry someone else. Comically crazed and full of devious plans, Jules will do anything to steal him back... except tell him the simple truth.




  • It’s Good

    By broodingboy
    John Denver on helium.
  • good

    By Cabron666
  • Favorite Movie of all time 💕

    By lauren.banister
    This is a family favorite, feel-good movie! I’ve probably seen it hundreds of times... great for a laugh and terrific acting from Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. A must watch!!!!

    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 14 (2020)
  • So Clever and Full of Heart

    By gb0923
    This movie is so cute I was 13 when this came out and here I am almost 20 years later looking for it to add it to my library. This movie does have a happy ending- one that works for everyone. Any other ending would have been horrible. The characters are fun and well developed. Julia Roberts is the heart and soul of this film, and she effortlessly displays why America loves her in this movie.

    By AAG131
    Warning: This is not the feel good romantic comedy it appears to be. Although it is a good movie, it is not a good romantic comedy that makes feel all happy inside afterwards. If you go into it thinking that it looks like a good movie, you will probably enjoy yourself (because it is a good movie, especially for the realistic mind), but if you go into it thinking it’ll be a fun romantic comedy that leaves you feeling all fuzzy inside YOU WILL BE DESTROYED. *Spoiler* In the end she does do the morally right thing that is more real world-esque, but the problem is I wanted a romantic comedy where there is no such thing as logic. It just leaves you confused because it made you gun for the best friends to be together (despite the fact that most of us probably wouldn’t be voting for the ‘breaking up the couple’ option in real life). The problem is we are trained by RomComs to invest in the best friend happy ending door, but no this one besides to be ‘unique'. So instead of the happy ending you want, this movie leaves you in shock because only at the end do you realize that it made you gun for the losing team. So please, go into this realizing that, although it looks like the happy ending romantic fairy land, it will leave you with a plethora of very abnormal feelings for a romantic comedy: i.e. confusion, discontentment, pain, sadness, anger, and many more. This is NOT the ‘I secretly think he/she ended up with the wrong person’ kinda RomCom, it’s the ‘I think I would like this movie better if they played it backwards’ which tells a happy ending kinda story about a divorce that finds love in his new best friend. Now that’s what I want! Now pardon me while I go watch a Katherine Heigl movie to balance out all this real world crap.
  • Best movie ever!!!

    By AliCasti
    Watched it more than a hundred times and I can watch a hundred times more!!! Love this movie
  • My best friends wedding

    By Mandi Foss
    Best movie ever!!!!

