The Possession

The Possession

By Ole Bornedal

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2012-08-31
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Ole Bornedal
  • Production Company: Ghost House Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America, Canada
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,611 Ratings


From Sam Raimi, acclaimed director of the SPIDER-MAN and EVIL DEAD film franchises, comes this bone-chilling true story that’s not to be missed by any horror fan. When a young girl purchases an old carved wooden box at a local yard sale, she has no idea of the ancient terror living inside. After the malicious evil spirit takes possession of their child, her parents must find a way to break the curse and free their daughter from her hellish captivity.




  • Okay

    Not great, like all the other ones in the genre. Nothing to part itself from them. It would have been better if it had an R rating. Just like the other PG-13 ones. That’s what would have made this better.

    By jen5617
    Very amazing it’s one of my favorite horror movies to watch ... I just wish they would put it back on Netflix
  • Not bad, just forgettable

    By PaperMontag
    Jeffery Dean Morgan is the only thing saving this film in any way. As others have said, it’s more or less the same story you’ve already seen a hundred times, with the addition of a Jewish slant to the mythology. Overall, it’s not a bad movie, it’s just not very good. This is one of those movies I completely forget about until it pops up in my queue again and I go ‘oh, I remember that!’ and then I move on until I notice it again.
  • Amazing effective variation on a theme

    By Mournblade7214
    Saw this on iTunes. How could you not like this? If your complaint is the idea's been done before then everything produced after Shakespeare is repetition, everything's a variation on a theme, and what a variation! Acting is superb, the adults are well known but the kids are amazing, both girls, and if the kids can't cut it in horror then you've lost it. But they go above and beyond, the youngest produces a perfect balance of both her characters, demon & child, and never muddles them or seems unable to deliver (where do they find these kids?). Nice minimalist use of effects, great story, first class production. The Jewish twist (every belief has evil) is brilliant & fresh. The box is a perfect vehicle as the center of creepiness. The small but important detail of the youngest girl's tears is poignantly terrifying as it reveals, when you think its only the demon, that she is still trapped in there... that was so subtle and incredibly effective. It even had a real jerk that gets his comeuppance... what more could you ask for?
  • C. R. E. E. P. Y. Good!

    By Logo65
    This is a Very Good spooky film! Worth watching and what makes it even better is this movie is based on true events! A+👍🏽
  • Good...

    By Jillybug30
    Now I think I watched this over on Netflix with my mom and it was pretty good
  • Fun ride

    By Monox Boogie
    I really enjoyed this movie. From the beginning I was hooked into the characters and the "scares" weren't so over the top as to be zany but still maintained an otherworldly feel. Top to bottom every actor was spot on. Yes there are a lot of demonic possession movies out there but this one felt more fresh than most. There are a few cliches in there but I feel like they work to better the movie rather than detract from it. My only notable "complaint" is the ending felt a bit rushed but in the end I would totally watch it again. If you are looking for a solid horror movie and you haven't seen this one i would suggest look no further. 4/5
  • The only death in this movie worth validating is..

    By Sevenup06
    mine, of laughter.
  • Great

    By KareBear_0124
    Favorite possession/exorcism movie
  • Horror Movie Expert

    By perpledragonfly
    I rented the movie because I am a big fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgewick. I am very pleased to report the movie was very good. It had a lot of scary scenes, and I was able to happily "suspend my disbelief."

