

By Steven Spielberg

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2012-11-09
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 29min
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Production Company: DreamWorks Pictures
  • Production Country: India, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,815 Ratings


From DreamWorks Steven Spielberg directs two-time Academy Award® winner Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln — with an all-star ensemble cast including Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. This inspiring and revealing drama focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final four months in office as this visionary leader pursues a course of action to end the Civil War, unite the country and abolish slavery.




  • 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray & 4K needed

    By NHKOsakaTokyo
    Amazing movie about Lincoln, but can you add upgrade to 4K so people can watch them online, and also rerelease this on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray with digital copy for iTunes? This is really annoying to me when the Special Features appear on the Home Video releases of movies, but not on iTunes because technology is advancing everyday. Also where is the purchasing price? Can you please restore the purchasing price and iTunes Extras?
  • Itunes Stole it back

    Loved this movie, however, I had purchased this movies several years ago and at some point itunes decided to remove if from my purchases. Thieves. wonder what other movies they decided to steal back after I legally purchased.
  • Why can’t I buy this movie?

    By Amandarford2
    This movie used to for sell on iTunes but now you can only rent it. WHY ? I want to buy this movie
  • Day-Lewis Is Utter Revelation

    By ilistentomusic(obviously)
    Maybe a bit of a subversive look at the end of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency that some might call boring, but a slowly paced story is overshadowed by a brilliant Daniel Day-Lewis in an instant Oscar-winning performance and some Steven Spielberg magic. 8.5/10
  • Brilliant, simply exquisite!

    By hgm4499
    I love these reviews that claim to be bored or bothered by all the talking and not much action in this movie. Or “ I’m a historian and they got so much wrong “. The acting by DDL and Sally Field is without question as good as it gets. The supporting roles especially Mr. Strathairn are sublime. Directing and cinematography are expertly done. This is one of the greatest movies of all time, period.
  • My review

    By Blastcrusher
    While watching I did not get bored. Probably the only flaw is that some of the stuff are fictional. But that is okay because it is historical fiction. This movie is also very accurate and luckily only shows the last few months of his life because it needs to be different. A full biography can make a HBO mini series like John Adams which is a great HBO show. Lincoln is very accurate in this and Daniel Day Lewis is very very very good in this.
  • Perfect

    By Trotskii
    As Val Kilmer will forever be Doc Holliday, Daniel Day-Lewis will forever be Abraham Lincoln. He plays this role with such minute attention to detail and character that I was left absolutely astonished. His dialougue crackles with wit and wisdom, just as it did from the man himself. Yes, it's true that the plot is limited to the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, but wasn't that the ultimate meaning of the Civil War anyway? Does the Amendment not capture its essence? And yes, the writers and director take some artistic license with the exact history of the events, but I'm willing to forgive them that for giving us such a penetrating portrait of such a rare and truly beloved national hero. Let's also not forget that the supporting cast was also excellent, particularly Tommy Lee Jones as Thaddeus Stevens and David Strathairn as William Seward. The photography was just beautiful. This film will eventually be considered a classic.
  • Interesting story

    By linstack
    I liked this movie. I learn president Lincoln was ending slavery. I liked learning about him
  • Educational and Entertaining

    By TrinAFireBallS
    Great cast, great script and interesting to watch. Abe Lincoln was my hero.
  • 16+h pre$!den+ 0f +he U$@

    By Jolovesgum
    W0w, +h!$ wuz @ g00d $+even $p!elberg f!lm 2 w@+ch. @br@h@m L!nc0ln wuz +he 16+h pre$!den+. Eye w@+ched +h!$ 0n Ne+fl!x 0n New Ye@r'$ d@y l@$+ & Eye knew !+ w00d B @ g00d m0v!e. +h@nk$ & H@ppy new ye@r @br@h@m L!nc0ln.

