Michael Cera stars in a hilarious comedy about an obnoxious American and a girl named Crystal Fairy (Gaby Hoffman) who take a hallucinogen on a trip through Chile.
Loved it!
By Cipher2
A fun adventure, great time, well done!
Crystal fary
By Silver buyer
This was a stupid movie..
By Esau Magalhaes
Superficial. Thin on plot. Movie drags its feet to the point of being irritating and to make you want to turn it off. To note: how Hoffmann, who looks a lot like Frida Kahlo on the picture, handles her business and hangs in there. All else, not worth anybody's time, let alone money.
A very good film, not not strong as a "comedy"
By Kevinsworth
If you're expecting belly laughs, which I sort of was based on the promos I'd scene [and in part just because Cera is such a great dead pan and I personally just always found him funny and likable] you might be disappointed. It's definitely got a few laughs, but it's much more of a dramedy, and I think it works very well as an original take on a character's journey to discovery. A lot of the negative reviews probably really stem from expecting a comedic romp more like "This is the End" than the relatively cerebral and nuanced pic this is. But if you know that going in, I think most comedy lovers will have some laughs, be interested, and maybe even feel a little reflective after watching. I think the ending was just about perfect, just not in a typical Hollywood sense. More like in a J.D. Salinger sense.
A Peaceful, Trippy Road Trip
By mich!@v3lli
I went in not knowing much about this movie.
I thought it was a simple and heartfelt movie about people connecting and being transformed through sharing a drug-fueled day on the beach. I enjoyed how small and subtle it was. I thought the ending was wonderfully acted and filmed.
I can see how this would be a difficult film to market. It’s not an event, it’s not easy to describe. It’s like a beautiful little poem. Thanks to the filmmakers. I had a lovely trip.