Curse of Chucky

Curse of Chucky

By Don Mancini

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2013-09-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 34min
  • Director: Don Mancini
  • Production Company: Universal 1440 Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,581 Ratings


He’s back! Curse of Chucky is the terrifying return of the pint-sized doll possessed by the spirit of a notorious serial killer. When a mysterious package arrives at the house of Nica (Fiona Dourif), she doesn’t give it much thought. However, after her mother’s mysterious death, Nica begins to suspect that the talking, red-haired doll her visiting niece has been playing with may be the key to the ensuing bloodshed and chaos. The return of America’s favorite toy, is full of more blood-splattered thrills and chills.




  • Refreshing, well-written, chucky is back

    By Nicholas becerra
    Curse of Chucky i was expecting this new enstallment of this franchise to be a collassel disaster like the rest of the films we privously saw. But Curse of Chucky managed to be well-written, good character development and overall it has tenison even to this day Curse of Chucky is a misunderstood classic but makes this new verison of chucky innocennt and playful.
  • He struck again!

    By UknownBlastoff23
    Chucky once again have me and my family and friends chills!
  • Chucky’s becoming slowly back to his old self!

    By Soundwave n Blitzwing
    This Movie is better than the previous 2! Like Way Better!!!!! Chucky’s back to his old self again!!! How ever the movie is slow paced...
  • For me no

    By double digit
    This is a older movie. That's not the problem I have with it. I like horror movies and all. The reason I don't like this one is because it was to slow moving for my taste. I only watched it for like 30 min. And then said forget it. This movie is way too slow for me.
  • It’s ~alright~

    By Ernest Gurule
    Worth watching once. Wouldn’t suggest purchasing.
  • Awesome Movie!

    By Jerry Ray Corner
    I was only 14 when the movie came out last year. I love Curse Of Chucky.
  • €hu€ky!IS!BACK!

    By Alex olmos
    OMG HE'S BACK!Chucky if your out there I just wanna say your doll hands look good!
  • He is back

    By Johns dog
    Loved it best in the series
  • Curse of Chucky

    By Playa234
    Awesome this time they kill the people in the grosses way u can think of :)
  • Rent the Unrated!

    By dj_friend
    The unrated verison includes an additional (and important!) scene after the closing credits that all Child's Play fans will find is essential.

