Good Kill

Good Kill

By Andrew Niccol

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2015-05-15
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: Andrew Niccol
  • Production Company: Sobini Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 555 Ratings


From the producers of The Hurt Locker comes a riveting thriller about 21st-century warfare, where combat unfolds like a video game, but with real lives at stake. Veteran Air Force pilot Tom Egan (Ethan Hawke) yearns to get back into the cockpit of a plane, but now he launches drone strikes from an air-conditioned box in the Las Vegas desert. When he starts taking orders directly from the CIA, the stakes are raised and Egan's nerves—and his relationship with his wife (January Jones)—begin to unravel.




  • Super depressing flick

    By Guitarzan22
    Nihilism at its worst. Pure hopelessness & depression from the beginning to the end... it never gets better. Just awful...
  • Sign up to be an executioner!

    By macktan
    How can anyone do that job? Suit up, soldier, report to the office to kill hundreds of people with a joystick. Doesn’t matter that we don’t know for sure who the people are on another continent in the sights of the our military x box drone game, they could be terrorists chowing down with their kids—kill them all, neighbors, too. Might as well take a job as a hangman, an executioner on Death Row. There are no heroics or honor in being a drone killer.
  • عالي

    By Vahid rahmani
    عالي بود و من لذت بردم
  • Excellent movie

    By daffy688
    This movie is a well though representation of how it must be when you're a drone pilot. The acting and dialogue are great, coupled with excellent photography. Most people seem to miss that, especially this kind of warfare, is certainly not action-packed each and every second. These people have to deal with both worlds: war and home, all in a single day.
  • Good Kill

    By uriah51
    Good lord....would someone please tell these morons that the Air Force does not land it's planes on aircraft carriers? This is a pretty good indicator about how rooted in reality this entertainment gem is.
  • What is the price, iTunes?

    By cktango.
    So, I haven't seen the movie, but I could not let this issue pass by. On the main movie page in iTunes, right under the section titled "Notable Indies" the movie Good Kill is listed as a 99c rental....when I clicked on the movie (because I always try and watch the 99c movie each week) I went to purchase it and the price said $4.99...I can only hope that this was either an oversight or an error on my part (which is possible, I worked the night shift last night LOL). Please do not tell me that on top of the kabillions of dollars Apple already gets from us, that they were not trying to be deceitful here....although hard not to assume that. Please PAY ATTENTION!!!! We deserve better than either plain laziness or deceit...or hire a new proofreader.
  • Glad they made it but...

    By MarkCPerry
    We need more movies like this to be made so I applaud the makers of this film. However, please for the love of god hire a decent military advisor. I'm assuming they had one but whoever it is has lost touch and missed the mark. The fact that the story is centered around an F-16 pilot who as a major already has 3000 hours in an F-16 (that would take an entire career to amass) and is on his 3rd tour in UAVs (6-9 years) as a only a mid level Major doesn't add up at all. That and the fact that he reminisces about landing Air Force F-16s on carriers at night is laughable... shows Hollywood is out of touch with the military and doesn't care to get the details right. Also the interaction of enlisted and officers is totally unprofessional and not realistic. This stuff just makes anyone be in the audience who was or is in the military laugh and it's kind of insulting to be honest. Hire a recent Air Force vet. Plenty of them out there.
  • Good Kill

    By Fercho1963
    Excellent! Along with Gataca Ethan Hawke depicts a frightening reality with new technology
  • Funny

    By bzerked
    Not the movie , but the political divisions created by a film.. Reading the other reviews I have to laugh because there was no hidden liberal agenda it was the story of a vet suffering PTSD at the very least ... Try watching it without letting your political bs get in the way and you'll see it's a great story and Ethan Hawke is a brilliant actor ... I managed to keep my politics out of it and rather enjoyed it.
  • ohonecanknowme

    By Dragon77989789
    It's probably a little heady for some that want action .. it's worth watching regardless

