Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

By James Cameron

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1991-07-03
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 33min
  • Director: James Cameron
  • Production Company: Carolco Pictures
  • Production Country: France, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
From 13,138 Ratings


Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his career-changing role as the Terminator in James Cameron's explosive sci-fi hit that was selected as one of AFI's Top Ten Sci-Fi films of all time. In this thrilling sequel, the Terminator is sent back in time to protect John Connor, a boy destined to lead the future freedom fighters. Teaming with Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), they must find a way to stop the ultimate enemy.




  • Needs 4K

    By GoodByeRiddance
    I always see the regular version of Terminator 2 on sale yet this being the definitive edition it’s only in HD. I love this movie and would definitely purchase it IF we got a version in 4K with HDR or Dolby Vision.
  • THE BEST!!!!!

    By Yeetyup
    Has all the gods action crap in a movie...love it!
  • OMG SO GOOD!!! 😃😃😃

    By SpiralEyes
    This is such a good movie before... Now we have special edition!!!
  • What a bomb! And it’s 2020..

    By Crazy unique nickname
    30 years later and this movie still sets the standard for how to make a mind blowing sequel
  • Asta La Vista Baby!

    By Nicholas becerra
    The best sequel of all time. Terminator Judgement Day is the finest and masterful sci-fi action movies ever made. Every visual effects are amazing and sometimes real this sequel you don't want to miss.
  • Total masterpiece

    By Rev-10
    A total masterpiece. For the first time in several years, I watched the entire movie, and from the opening scene to the final credits, there’s not a single flaw, nothing to nitpick, nothing to scrutinize. After nearly 30 years, it’s truly astonishing that the film stands up so timelessly both as a compelling story with emotional warmth but also as a virtuosic achievement in cinematography, action and special effects. From the epic and memorable performances of Hamilton, Schwarzenegger and Furlong to the expertly chosen and designed filming locations to the mood-inducing and perfectly-complimentary soundtrack, Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a hallmark in moviemaking and touchstone in modern cinema. Still astonishing to watch after all of these years. In the summer of 1991, the sequel was truly an event. And in 2020, it’s easy to understand why the subsequent movies simply couldn’t come close to measuring up and why they were met with outright disdain from some fans. The franchise should have ended with T2. I still wonder about the potential of a James Cameron-helmed third movie in 1993 or 1994 with the trio of leading actors returning. Commercially, it likely would have been huge. The anticipation and expectations also would have been enormous. But it wasn’t meant to be. T2 undoubtedly could never be topped or even equaled. The story was complete. A moment in time never to be duplicated.
  • Top 5 movies of all time

    By King Soyt
    This has been one of my favorite movies/stories since I was a child. I can't tell you how many times I have watched this masterpiece and everytime feels like the first time. Same emotions. Same passion. Same love. This cannot be beat by any others in the genre.
  • Better Than Aliens Special Edition

    By Kondeki
    This is a fantastic special edition, especially for Terminator 2 as it provides context for certain scenes. If you’ve already seen Terminator 2 then you already know it’s a great film. But you’ll find more context is given to some of the scenes, particularly to the ending, I find. But most importantly, I strongly believe the T2 special edition doesn’t ruin the film like the Aliens special edition did. Most like it, but I don’t as it includes some scenes near the beginning of the film that shifts the tone of Aliens in the wrong direction -the rest of the special edition is great, except for that scene of Newt’s parents. I bring that particular scene up, because you won’t find such a scene here. The Terminator 2 special edition is near flawless, without a similar scene weighing it down. I proudly spent $12.99 on this film and was not disappointed, and if you’re a fan of Terminator neither will you. (Because I won’t be reviewing the latest film, I want to say here that you should avoid Terminator genesis. Spend your money on better films, such as this one, the Terminator 2 Special Edition.)
  • my favorite movie

    By Trizle88
    this movie is incredible
  • Just as good as the first, if not better!

    By MECHANIX - 18
    This is the movie that turned what might have been just another horror movie series into a phenomenon. It's difficult to argue that the first movie, however much I may personally love it, was little more than a particularly cleverly written slasher film. At a time when series such as A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th were pushing out uninspired sequels, It was time for the Sci-fi horror classic The Terminator to get it's turn. To put it lightly, James Cameron delivered. Terminator 2 crosses the boundaries of horror into a gripping action/adventure film. It's dramatic, it's emotional, and it's exciting in a way the franchise has yet to top. I recommend it highly, for I do not believe you will be disappointed.

