Mickey Mouse Funhouse is a fantastical place where Funny, a magical playhouse who talks and interacts with Mickey, Minnie, and their pals takes the gang on silly and funny adventures filled with fantasy play and wish fulfillment.
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | Ducks Inn Trouble! / Polka Dots and Don' | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | The Mighty Goof!/ Playtime in Crayon Wor | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | The Music of the Seasons/ Mermaids to th | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | Festival of Heroes!/ I Wander Where the | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | The Fantabulous Five! (Plus One)/ Mickey | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Batteries Included / Mickey and Minnie: | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
7 | Pirate Adventure | 30:53 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
8 | Rain, Rain, Go Away/ Donald's Razzle Daz | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
9 | The Farfus' Family! / Adventure Parade | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
10 | The Magic Mansion / Funny's Road Trip! | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
11 | Fifty-Foot Pluto! / A Big Giant Problem! | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
12 | Welcome to Giant Crab Island! / Ghosts o | 24:03 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |