It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2009-11-17
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 1
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
From 1,115 Ratings


Ho, ho, heyooo! Christmas is upon us, and the Paddy's gang has got the spirit. Well, not really.  For them, the holidays have always been a time of trickery, backstabbing, and disappointment.  But this year things are going to be different as they are determined to rediscover the joy in Christmas.  Join Mac, Charlie, Dennis, Dee, and Frank as they embark on a holiday adventure filled with stolen toys, childhood videos, naked elves, and a bloody run-in with Santa Claus that is guaranteed to blast Christmas spirit all over you!


Title Time Price
1 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: A Ver 43:16 Season Only Buy on iTunes



  • Mispriced

    By ChivalricPine87
    This episode should be a part of Season 6 of the show... And definitely not worth $9.99 on its own. The episode itself is very funny though, but it needs to be moved to the season set and not listed as a standalone movie.
  • This episode wasn't shot in HD.

    By E.T. Craven
    Yes, season 6 is available in HD on iTunes...and this episode has its own Blu-ray release...but the Blu-ray comes with a disclaimer stating the episode wasn't actually shot in HD to begin with. So, this is as good as it's gonna get. That said, it's well worth the $10!
  • Really?

    By pholly
    9.99 and NOT in HD, this is unacceptable.
  • $9.99 is WAY too much!

    By Shifty_XD
    I love this show! It's absolutely amazing! I would rate this five stars, no doubt and I have purchased seasons 1-8 via iTunes but I simply do not agree with this price. I love the Christmas special, I've watched it like 50 times but I will not pay $9.99 for an extended television episode... C'mon iTunes... REALLY!!!?!!!?
  • saw it on Netflix for free, one of my favs... but $10? craziness.

    By sunnywatcher
    I wouldnt pay $10 for any episode, or even a movie, I saw it on Netflix and I will say, even though its ridiculously over priced it's an awesome episode... I still cant believe they're considering one episode an entire season, and I cant believe its $10, I mean you only need to see it once, do they really think a person cant find it online before they pay that much for it? lol silly.
  • This was awful

    By reviewdud
    This was so bad that it might make me not watch the show anymore. Wow, did they fail big time with this piece of crap. I only gave it one star because iTunes wouldn't let me give it zero.
  • Video is Corrupted.

    By Nickname damnit
    The video is corrupted. tried to purchase on 2 separate occasions. had apple refund the money a few times-- simply wont work
  • Everyone complaining about the price...

    By Robert Pederson
    Probably shouldn't have bought the episode. As if they didn't know how much it costed when they purchased it. Great episode ;-)
  • BEst show ever

    By Howard the Duck duck!
    This is the best show on TV hands down!!!
  • Terrible price

    By Demetry James
    I love always sunny and this is my favorite episode but i am not going to pay $9.99 for one episode. Outrageous price

