Abby & Hetty
By Jolie Lives
Jolie Lives- 30th January, 2017 After watching, "The Year of Living Dangerously", where Hetty portrayed a Man, assisting the protagonist who was an American Journalist, during the Vietnam War.
Two of the "Characters" that stand "Head & Shoulders" above all of the Actors at NCIS on the East &. West Coasts, are Hetty and Abby. As different as night and day, both are clearly very intelligent, eccentric and would stand out in an Auditorium, Filled with people.Each of these women are unique people, not only in the roles they play as actors on NCIS!
One of the reason's I adore Abby, is that there are CSI Shows in three different(3) States. All Metropolitan Areas, who apparently need a Lot more people then one (1) person to analyze information found at crime scenes. Very few of the CSI Tech's Specialize in One Speciality. Whereas Abby functions alone, with Major Mass Spec as one of her assistants. Another Actor would not be as believable, they'd be boring and questionabe in their capabilies to preform the necessary multifaceted calculations. Abby's Ink suits her perfectly, as do her Dog Collars.
Hetty, on the other hand, being a little person, would lead her opponents to the faulty conclusion that she would predominately rely on her mental superiority to whip their behinds. While Hetty has mastered many forms of Physical Self Defense, Abby is no slouch, she's protected herself from killers too. Granted, Tim usually loses his shoes, as she's put Super Glue on the floor, which Tim, rushing to her aid, ends up flat on his face on the floor. His shoes, stuck to the floor. (At least 3-5 feet behind his body, which is splayed on Abby's Lab floor!) Tim's on the floor, where Abby antisipated stopping the persone she thought was coming to kill her
Both Hetty and (Coffin Sleeping) Abby make NCIS the hits they are! Though I am partial to the LA Show and probably always will be.
Deeks & Kensi, nominate for one of the gr8est TV couples!
By How-Ar-U
I have no idea why I search the terms "dragon + fairy" and NCIS:LA would be in the results XDD
But whatever!
I luv the chemistry b/w Deeks & Kensi, I'm glad they're now together :-)
Lang H
By Veldernia
The movie was excellent.But I would like for you to list the songs that was played in the movies.I wanted to buy the song that was played at the end of this movie but I could not find it on your itunes,some how you all have the old movies but you don't have the old songs that go's with it.
Ncis LA is awesome
By DeltaForce1989
Awesome show awesome cast
By Disappointed Customer564
I love the show, but in several episodes of Season 3 (which I bought) the audio is slightly ahead of the video. It's incredibly frustrating. Can I get this fixed or something so I can go back to enjoying the show?
Hanging Ten on the Remote
By mamagunnybear
I first started watching NCIS-LA cuz it followed NCIS. I had to claim the time and channel so I could watch it each week. At first my son refused to watch it, but now he watches it and follows the seasons' premieres & closets.
By Ncisla lover
Fav episode and even better that i can watch it wherever i go:)
By Gwhiz16
This show is phenomenal!!!! The first episode in season three is the perfect way to start the season off. All the excitement for Callen's real identity is njffinrffneieofejovnrk!!! I do not have words to describe it. Also, Kensi and Deeks should be a couple by now!!! I wish there would be two episodes where NCIS and NCIS:LA would come together. That would be extraordinary. I have watched all three seasons multiple times and I'm still not tired of it. If I could rate this show with 20 stars I would. I am in love with the characters as well as the story line. This show has inspired me to become a real federal agent one day. And I'm not just any kid who has this dream. I have the skills and intellect to accomplish this goal. However, I have to thank this show for inspiring to do so.
By The rated m superstar
After the 17th episode there will be no more episode ?
Keeps Getting Better!
By Lelo07
Every week I watch this AMAZING show and think "that episode was the best so far, they can't possibly top it!". But thankfully, I'm wrong. These two episodes are my favorite out of NCIS and NCIS LOS ANGELES combined. That's saying something because I've not missed an episode of the original NCIS since it aired, almost ten years ago. Highly recommend buying this one!