Shark Tank, Season 3

Shark Tank, Season 3

Shark Tank

  • Genre: Reality & Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2012-01-20
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 15
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 16 Ratings


Shark Tank stars five multi-millionaire business tycoons ("Sharks") who listen to investment proposals from real-life entrepreneurs. Some of the business concepts they hear are sheer genius, while others are pure disaster! The entrepreneurs have an opportunity to request a specific sum of money from the Sharks in exchange for a certain percentage ownership stake of the business. The Sharks consider whether or not to invest their own money in the businesses, negotiate terms and even compete with one another for the best investment opportunities. If the Sharks decide to invest in a company, the entrepreneur’s dream comes true. Mark Cuban returns this season, bringing back his noteworthy business savvy and quick wit to the show.


Title Time Price
1 Week 1 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Week 2 43:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Week 3 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Week 4 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Week 5 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Week 6 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Week 7 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Week 8 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Week 9 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Week 10 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Week 11 43:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Week 12 43:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Week 13 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Week 14 43:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
15 Week 15 43:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes



  • Best Show out there!!!!

    By B19B0Y
    This is by far my favorite TV show ever! I have watched all 3 seasons, and I love it!! It gives you education in the business world as well as super entertaining. Thank you for making this available on iTunes (now roll on season 4!!!)
  • Two thumbs up! A++

    By No. BS
    The only shallow thing being broadcasted around our world are the mindless, idiotic, reality TV shows. Really, take a moment to think about it. We are what we put into ourselves, right? Look, if you watch a whole bunch of blonde bimbos running around drinking liquor and sleeping around or a gang of high school drop outs who will do anything for a dime or Or OR... Wow, what is this teaching the younger generations to come!?! Riddle me that Siri. TV is lacking to not only show but teach leadership and quality in the perspectives of the views. Our country needs more educating TV shows that don't sell out. Shark tank is doing a terrific job on that. It's still in demand as crazy but still keeps its quality. Great job guys! #Sunny
  • A great show

    By Quarterlfecrisis
    First off newswire is the shallow one. This show is all about the American dream and the real business world. Even the businesses the Sharks dont invest in get great plugs and get smaller investors It's very typical for the thumb sucking pee pants to come out of the wood work when someone isn't nice or politically correct. The sharks tell people what they need to hear. Oh and remember this is TV so of course there's an entertainment factor. Of course they are saying stuff for the camera. These pitches and negotiations go on for hours and are then heavily edited for TV. Just like how on COPS there is a pursuit every 5 minutes?!
  • Ego-captialism

    By newswire
    A bunch of egomaniacs, who instead of being grateful and insghtful of the great luck anf good forutne, use it as a tool of control to belittle the entrpreneur. Shallow at best.
  • Great show

    By Mau5554
    Shark Tank doesn't play into the typical dynamics of Invention/Judge Panel shows. Those usually have: 1- One- in- a -million -shot -of -sticking ideas 2- Cruel judges 3- Judge panel that aren't successful entrepreneurs and don't have any stake on the creations. In this case, you have business proposals and inventions that are already successful but need more money or expertise. This is where it gets interesting, the judges are all multimillionaire entrepreneurs (two billionaires), so they not only add very valuable expertise (it's extremely interesting to see how their business minds work at full throttle) when discussing the projects and asking questions, but once they decide they could add value to a certain project, the actually propose to buy into the company ( months or more than a year later they let you know how they are going). That is what creates the conflict/tension between the judges, for they have to battle each other off in order to be selected by the guest entrepreneur into his or her business . Tthis is an interesting dynamic because instead of them choosing the guest entrepreneur, he or her gets to choose them, so they have to woo him. This is were it gets real fun because these guys' egos start getting out of hand real quick - in a good spirited way though, to get the nod. Sorry if this was all over the place but I think it gives you an idea. Try it, it's solid entertainment.

