Sherlock, Series 3

Sherlock, Series 3


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2014-01-19
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 9
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 28.99
From 5,595 Ratings


The much praised, multi-award-winning drama Sherlock, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, returns for an eagerly awaited third series of three, 90-minute films - The Empty Hearse, The Sign Of Three and His Last Vow.


Title Time Price
1 Unlocking Sherlock 55:56 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 The Empty Hearse 1:26:28 USD 4.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Sherlock Uncovered: The Return 25:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 The Sign of Three 1:26:05 USD 4.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Sherlock Uncovered: The Women 26:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 His Last Vow 1:29:08 USD 4.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Sherlock Uncovered: The Villains 22:52 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Meet the Makers, Pt. 1 03:34 Free Buy on iTunes
9 Meet the Makers, Pt. 2 05:17 Free Buy on iTunes



  • Amazing

    By robot626
    Sooooo good
  • GENIUS!!

    By Heatherscott1
    Just like the character portrayed, the show it’s self is genius. They couldn’t have picked better actors to play Holmes and Watson. It brings stories that have been around for ages into modern times with ease. SHERLOCK IS WORTH EVERY PENNY!! I only purchased the episodes, however and iTunes says that to purchase the last bit (the behind the scenes stuff) I still owe $8.02. I think per episode, it was $6.99… can’t remember though. I’ve now watched all three seasons twice and I would love it if there was a continuation. Disappointing that such a brilliant show hasn’t been continued with any regularity!! I NEED MORE!!
  • This is the finest television ever produced

    By nickj6282
    The second episode "The Sign of Three" is without a doubt the finest 86 minutes of television I have ever seen in my life.
  • this season was a bit disappointing

    By nocrickets
    3.5 stars. There's no doubting this is just about the smartest and classiest series on tv recently. But I agree with others that I did detect a definite writer fatigue in this third year, especially episodes 2 and 3. They're just not up to the extraordinarily high standards of the first 2 seasons. The problem is that instead of reworking the Conan Doyle template as they did at first, here they're winging it on their own, and it's rather like fan fiction. Episode 2 is loose and baggy and way too cutesy, and episode 3 is weirdly unconvincing and forced. Let's hope that for season 4 they go back to the winning formula, because shows this good don't come along very often.
  • SHERLOCK!!!!!!!

    By jade_harley413
    Enough said.
  • FabuloZ with a capital Z

    By Inthavixay
    Some people are hating on this, but why? This is an awesome series ALL the way through. From beginning to end I was extremely pleased and excited! Sherlock a character (and actor, Benedict Cumberbatch) are amazing! Great acting and just everything is amazing. And the episodes/series are totally worth the money! If you want to complain about it go look inline to watch it for free!
  • Great S1&2 but 3 ?? & so shot yet 29 bucks?

    By djallen60
    Title says it all. Loved the shows so much! Watched them straight through on Netflix. Would live to buy them but S3 was just 3 ep and was nothing comparable to the storyline in 1&2! No detective work or mystery fun. I kept waiting for it but it never came. I wish they would continue on to S3 to enrich and make it feel complete. Need more Sherlock! Please. But 12 eps not 3 or 6 you know what I mean? Please lower the price for S3. Way too much.
  • Disappointing

    By Cazzadora
    Compared to other tv shows, I'd give this 3 stars, but compared to the brilliance of prior seasons only a 1 or 2. They lost the thread of what makes the show so good and it ended up being a mess that never found it's center. Then it went completely off the rails with the "Mary" subplot. Rewatching S1 and S2 to recapture the love.
  • Sherlock

    By Davidshead
    The second episode of this series was so impressive to me. I don’t know if I will ever be that impressed by a tv show ever again. A sad tear falls from my eye.
  • Love It!

    By Servant of The Lord1
    I fell in love with the genius mastermind Sherlock Holmes and Watson became my older brother.

