

By William Eubank

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2020-01-10
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 35min
  • Director: William Eubank
  • Production Company: Chernin Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,174 Ratings


A crew of underwater researchers must scramble to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory.




  • Great movie! Loved this!

    By TJLJ87
    Good scares and twists! Kristen Stewart and Mamoudou Athie we’re both great in this movie.
  • I changed my mind, it isn’t that terrible.

    By lofidelityrockr
    I originally hated this movie. I am not a fan of Stewart’s and dislike everything I have seen her in to date. After ending up rewatching this movie, on tv and streaming, I can say that it grew on me even while the missed potential was there for it to be better. One of the better aspects of the film that made me change my mind is there is no forced romantic component between the characters. I hate when they force that in these films. Let it be about the main story plot. Running for your life from monsters doesn’t require characters to take a moment to fall for each other. So for that it earned a third star from me. The supporting actors helped to carry this as a straight up horror film not quite to the level of Aliens (which gave me nightmares to the day from childhood) or even those old slasher films where they made several bad sequels which some could probably stand against this movie and win the vote depending on the day, in my book. But I will say you should let your own experience be your guide. I wish there was maybe a bit more to the story, more visually and a little more exposition. They make movies that set up too much and this to me was one that set up too little even though it did start the action within the first 10 minutes and tried to keep the momentum going until the end. I just need a bit more. Let me say the set designer and costumer should have won awards. It hasn’t been since The Abyss that I have seen great deep sea effects as far as the set design and the pressure suits go. Some of the digital effects were just too lazily don’t that they looked like someone rushed the design and it looked cheap.
  • I really liked it

    By rwpcola
    I thought it’s was really good. I bought it
  • It’s a wash…

    By Travnseattle
    If you must watch this movie, expect zero plot. I like the effects but everything else is horrible. Just horrible.
  • Save Your Money

    By Ugotta_B_Kidding
    I like Kristen Stewart and Vincent Cassel. But they couldn't save this flick. It's yet another "people-trapped-underwater-in-a-metal-box" movie. This plot is so used up. The cinematography is bad (too dark), the supporting cast behind Kristen and Vincent are not too great and the effects are just average. Watch "Deep Blue Sea" or "Leviathan" instead. Both are much better.
  • Simply: very boring

    By 747whaledriver
    Easy to fall asleep watching this, it’s so boring. You could treat malignant insomnia with this movie.
  • Uhhh what was I thinking

    By Artemis2arya
    I decided to watch this movie thinking it would be a decent movie, I was bored and had nothing to do. The trailer interested me a bit so I bought it, but oh boy it was awful. No plot, no character development. As a horror movie nerd I watch a lot of horror movies and this was just the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Do not buy, don’t make the same mistake as I did.
  • I love it!

    By DrGears
    It perfectly encapsulates the death at any moment feel, while coupled with the claustrophobia of being miles underwater. 10/10
  • Great movie

    By rosama71
    Excellent. Kristen Stewart awesome as always!
  • How could it be THAT good?!

    By True Cinema Nerd
    I’ve never watched a thriller/horror movie that made me so instantly invested in the protagonists. The characters were perfectly written and the movie was nonstop intensity that I enjoyed through and through. The ending was perfect.

