

By Marcus Nispel

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2007-07-31
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: Marcus Nispel
  • Production Company: Dune Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 727 Ratings


In an untamed, primordial America, 500 years before Columbus will reach its shores, unfolds an epic battle between love and hate that will change one man's destiny and the future of a nation: Pathfinder. This action-adventure saga recreates one of the most riveting, yet never-before-seen, eras in human history – when Viking "dragon" ships from the mysterious Norse lands arrived out of nowhere to invade a pristine North America. Inspired by historical findings, yet forged with the magic and style of a modern graphic novel, Pathfinder comes to life in a cinematic experience filled with intense and primal action.




  • A not-so-well-made film

    By Rambo8649
    The story and concept are interesting, but the writing, casting, directing, and editing are just atrocious. I have seen this twice now, and both times I struggled to get through it.
  • pretty….and boring.

    By RTemple
    So i guess it was just pretty boring. It looked good. Not much else going for it. I'm sure there are plenty out there who will enjoy it though.
  • Good Entertainment.

    By dizzlemetimbers
    A lot of people dislike this movie because its "not historically accurate" or "distorts Viking exploration of North America". Guess what? Its a Hollywood movie. When was the last time any film director made any money being 100% historically accurate? At what point did these viewers realize this wasn't a History Channel or PBS production? It even says its based off of legend, as in not historical fact. This movie is meant to be entertaining not make you walk away knowing all about the cultures of the Vikings or Native Americans. It looks good, is violent, and has Native Americans and VIkings fighting each other. If this sounds good to you then watch it. If your historical or political senses will be offended then I don't know why you are browsing movies on iTunes.
  • I Don't Care Who doesn't like it....

    By renegade__knight
    I like this move a lot. Not my favorite. I like complex movies like Inception. And movies that make me think. I like movies with well developed plots that are very complex.... and detailed... and stories and pull on certain strings and push certain buttons... like frustration.... anger.... sadness.... sympothy.... etc.... But I also like movies with simple plots - because the point of those movies are to do one thing: entertain. A person can be entertained in a large number of ways. The action was cool. The visuals were very good as well. The acting at first seems strange... but makes sense to me (seems to be intentional). There you go... if you are in the mood for a movie just to entertain your for an hour and forty min... this is a good choice.
  • A good rental movie

    By MadRienell
    If you like action movies and don't care about Oscar quality acting, you will enjoy this movie. This is not a documentary on Norse & Native American's an action flick, so don't expect it to be accurate. Karl Urban does a good job with these types of roles; however, the rest of the crew might leave you rolling your eyes or laughing at the poor acting. Nevertheless, Urban's fighting scenes are entertaining in themselves and make up for the horrible acting.
  • okay

    By coloneltighrocks
    an over exaguration of the norse culture and their exploaration af the americas, but still a REALLY AWSOME MOVIE!!! just not100% truth :)
  • Pathfinder movie

    By chris ca$h
    This was a very good movie
  • Steaming pile of viking pewpew

    By MaileyBike
    I remember seeing a trailer for this some time ago, and it was interesting. Now that I've seen it... scratch that, I didn't even make it to the end before rolling my eyes for the last time and stopping it, so I haven't really seen it. Don't buy or rent this, your time is better spent doing just about anything else.
  • not bad

    By Mark K.
    pretty cool
  • Good art direction

    By Thomas51471
    Overall the movie is well done in regard to art direction and style. The film direction is decent as well, but there are a some standard cliches that sort of turned me off in regard to mythology in both Native Americans and the Vikings. The pacing is a bit strange at times and it takes a good half hour to get going, but once it does things go pretty well. It's a good rental if you are just looking for something to watch. I don't know if I'd recommend buying it unless you just really dig it.

