Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

By Marcus Nispel

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2009-02-13
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Marcus Nispel
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,646 Ratings


Welcome back to Crystal Lake in a chilling re-imagining of the classic horror film "Friday the 13th." Searching for his missing sister, Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) heads up to the eerie woods of legendary Crystal Lake, where he stumbles on the creaky remains of rotting old cabins behind moss-covered trees. And that's not the only thing lying in wait under the brush. Against the advice of police and cautions from the locals, Clay pursues what few leads he has in the search for his missing sister, Whitney (Amanda Righetti), with the help of Jenna (Danielle Panabaker), a young woman he meets among a group of college kids up for an all-thrills weekend. But they are all about to find much more than they bargained for. Little do they know, they've entered the domain of one of the most terrifying specters in American film history--the infamous killer who haunts Crystal Lake, armed with a razor-sharp machete... Jason Voorhees.




  • Excellent movie

    By Matt __W
    Very well done. I watch it every October
  • Good

    By double digit
    This was a true Jason movie. Teens go into the woods to a cabin and then things happen and then one by one people get picked off. Who survives this horror. You have to watch to find out. If you are a Jason fan then here you go. This is for you.
  • Nightmares creaking noises

    By MCcampdell
    Kill him kill him kill him kill him
  • My dad’s name

    By ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ya
    My dads name is Jason lol
  • Excellent

    By MandevilleMike
    Very under appreciated movie. I think it’s one of the best!! Must watch if you’re a fan.
  • Great remake

    By Altcabmaster
    I’m a big Friday the 13th fan and I didn’t know they even maid a remake some how I missed this one but watched it and it was really good for a remake it had everything that a Friday the 13th was but I thought this movie was great
  • Ugh seriously? a remake! can't take it

    By Nicholas becerra
    The original friday the 13th was much better and well excuted. But this remake is full of non-stop nonsense and loads of sex scenes what's the point of remaking a movie that already exist it's just so sad.

    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 14 (2020)
  • Jason is back again

    By Ryi1988
    This is still a slasher movie. Has a little bit of differences along the way. The story is different then what I am use to. I was never a fan of these but I will watch them if I am bored or the story sounds decent. I and not a huge Freddy fan but Jason more of a fan. I don’t know why. This is a good movie. Definitely not for kids. None of them are really. It has a twist in the movie I am not gonna say where or what happens. You just have to watch to see if you catch it. Good movie.
  • It was good, I'd watch again

    By Braden4697
    Don't believe the Rotten Tomatoes review, it was a good movie. I wasnt sure if it was a reboot or a sequel, but, either way I don't really care cause it entertained me, made me laugh and gave me a few jumps. It did what it was intended to do, hope to see a sequel.

