It Might Get Loud

It Might Get Loud

By Davis Guggenheim

  • Genre: Music Documentaries
  • Release Date: 2009-08-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Davis Guggenheim 291360741
  • Production Company: Thomas Tull Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 180 Ratings


Rarely can a film penetrate the glamorous surface of rock legends. It Might Get Loud tells the personal stories, in their own words, of three generations of electric guitar virtuosos – The Edge (U2), Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), and Jack White (The White Stripes). It reveals how each developed his unique sound and style of playing favorite instruments, guitars both found and invented. Concentrating on the artist's musical rebellion, traveling with him to influential locations, provoking rare discussion as to how and why he writes and plays, this film lets you witness intimate moments and hear new music from each artist. The movie revolves around a day when Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge first met and sat down together to share their stories, teach and play.




  • It might get kinda lousy

    By Leonard Pinth-Garnell
    Here we have a film about legendary guitarists Jimmy Page, the Edge, and Jack White...wait, what? Jack White? Let’s face it, although White seems like an interesting guy, kinda quirky, as a guitar player he is undisputedly no where near the level of Page and the Edge in terms of their careers and influence. Consequently White just seems out of place and bolted on in this film and the segments involving him would have been better spent with additional insights from either Page or the Edge on their playing or their respective bands. And when those insights are part of the film it’s mostly stuff fans would be already familiar with and the jam sessions involving all three are unfortunately lackluster and never seem to take off. Basically, this film is for the most rabid fans of these players and basically boring to anyone else including potentially the aforementioned rabid fans.
  • Edge

    By Cyanidecoma
    Edge- is that a ther..... Page- BWAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • Two geniuses and an electronics guy

    By afarag
    Great movie! Interesting to see how Jack White and Jimmy Page can make music out of anything. The Edge isn't in their realm by any stretch, as all he does is play with electronic sound... It's the only thing that makes me question the film. It is, however, a must see for any guitar lover, simply to watch White and Page, who are epic in their level of talent...
  • Amazing

    By Agape7777
    This movie spread through Zeppelin through jack white...I love the Edge, the only thing missing was Eddie Van Halen. Not a huge (but good/great) fan of Van Halen. However Eddie was and is extremely influential. I wondered if Edward was invited, but refused. Love this movie. I have watched it several times. I grew up with knowing Zeppelin along with The Doors, Jimi Hendrix....yadda yadda.... I was born in 69, so was not of age at the time. Although, how can one compare to uncontrolled music like that.....great to grow up with. Enjoyed U2 for years during my coming of age and respect them, don't love their music so much now..... However, War and unforgettable fire....unbelievable albums and still listen to today. Jack hats off to you brother. I can't stop listening to the White Stripes!!!!!!! So basic, yet so incredibly complex and inventive and taking simplicity that was done so well so many times to and you and Meg took it to an incredible new level. You are amazing. You will go down on the rock and roll history books like Zeppelin. People will catch up and realize how influential you are like Zeppelin. My favorite band is Tool by far. However, I love my rock blues as well. Just would have been way cool to see Edward Van Halen in this movie as well since we are spreading through the decades. I'm really not complaining because I will probably watch this movie many more times. Just love music.
  • Amazing

    By stp2112
    I loved every bit of this, to hear them all talk about what made them and their philosophies was incredible, i was mesmerized the whole time…….
  • More Page, less White needed

    By Fyvie
    At some point I just tuned out Jack White's screaming lyrics and insufferable speeches and just waited for Jimmy Page's time on screen. Sadly there was way, way more of Jack than Jimmy. I love the Blues and am a huge Led Zeppelin fan, Jimmy in particular, so that was the main reason for watching this. Page's story has so much depth and very little of it was seen here, sadly. The Edge was ok, he basically has an identifiable sound but I wouldn't put him in the same league as Page, and Jack White can play, is innovative, but too many of his songs sound the same. I would love a do-over here, with more emphasis on Page, as is deserved.
  • Simply Excellent!

    By Robert "Bruce" Carleton
    It's a very well produced, view inside the heads of three music legends.
  • Enough with Jack White already.

    By Stooblooz
    You'd think people had never heard a good guitar player before. I've been playing for 15 years and I still can't wrap my head around it. He's a great songwriter and I do like me some White Stripes, but tagging the word 'virtuoso' onto him is a stretch. He's popular, which I think is what got him in the door here, but if your going down that route, why not Dan Auerbach? His Delta picking is definitely superior. Tom Morello would have been a great choice with all his very unorthodox methods to get great sounds, not just a sea of pedals. How about Derek Trucks, possibly the greatest Slide Player second only to Duane? He took advantage of the lack of frets when playing slide to utilize microtones! That's far more groundbreaking than anything White or the Edge has accomplished. I enjoyed this movie, but it just screamed "music movie made my musically inept but passionate filmmaker."
  • New vs the Old

    By Rick Plastic
    I love reading posts and listening to close minded people review music. Most of Jimmy Page worshipers cant turn the radio dial out of classic rock. U2 was as innovative to change in sound as Zeppelin was in the 70'S. Zeppelin was a blues rip off band that turned their talent into some great original songs. U2 was an Irish band of good not great talent that kept working with great producers and had an unfortunate history to write from a depressing era: that produced some great songwriting. Jack White can play every instrument in the band. Those who criticize him have never heard his catalog. His country influence, classic rock, alternative...He belongs on this page, He is just too far ahead of his time for most of you ...stuck in the Clapton, Beck time frame. They were also great but guarantee...I have seen it, this kid could hang. By the way if he was still alive...put Stevie Ray Vaughn up there on stage and watch Jimmy Page melt trying to keep his fret board alive. I love Zeppelin but they had their time. They continue to influence, but Jimmy is not what he once was...The Edge as Jimmy says is a great sound architect but not a tactician...Jack White hasnt been around long enough yet so the close minded can see him tear apart the stage.... Go see him live...Let him wow you on the drums, song writing, and then tear up the guitar...mandolin...banjo..whatever...
  • zero chemistry

    By Bowerfamilynz
    Great movie? Come on? They had to retreat to career flashbacks because the "sit down and jam " part that they had hoped would reveal a great coming together of styles... flopped. "I dont sing" about sums their chemistry.... very dissappointing and unfornately I bought it first. Should be It might get loud...but it didnt.

