Storage 24

Storage 24

By Johannes Roberts

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2013-01-11
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Johannes Roberts
  • Production Company: Medient Studios
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 139 Ratings


London is in chaos after a military cargo plane crashes, leaving its highly classified contents strewn across the city. Completely unaware that London is on lockdown, exes Charlie and Shelley, accompanied by best friends Mark and Nikki, are trapped in the Storage 24 facility, a dark maze of endless corridors, with a mysterious predator hunting them one by one.




  • The aliens are at it…again

    By AMJ33
    Hey its not horrible, I've seen much worse. If you want a movie to zone out to without getting too connected to what's happening; this might be for you.
  • Not a copy

    By Wien 0770
    Not bad , it was worth the watch! The creature looks nothing like predator or alien , it was original . I say good job!
  • Loved it.

    By jhpage
    I find it so funny that people complained about this movie. Movie Snobs crack me up. This movie was quite enjoyable. There was humor and suspense. Someone mentioned that the movie was a copy of Alien and Predator and the music was from X-Files. This is untrue. Although, even if it was, who cares? Art is recycled. Do you really expect a movie like this to be an original masterpiece? Take it for what it is. A fun story. If you are looking for a fun movie I recommend it. I thought the ending was funny too.
  • Hitchcock/Danny Boyle movie

    By Yofriggindaddy
    This movie was great. It combined suspense, with excellent moments of anticipation. Well plotted and great acting. The cinematography was wonderful, and I even liked the ending. Well worth the price of admission. Keep supporting the independents!
  • Boring Copy-Cat of a Movie

    By lem0nayde
    The creature design is copied from "Alien" and "Predator"; the music is borrowed from the X-Files; the writing is little better than a SyFy made-for-TV movie and the overall idea is a wholly generic one (i.e. Stuck in an enclosed space with a powerful monster — run!). "Storage 24" is the cinematic equivalent of working a long shift on a slow day at a storage facility front desk. The only moment that piqued my interest was a small hint at the end of a more interesting movie that they didn't have the budget to make. Too bad, maybe "Storage 24 Part II: The Movie We Actually Wanted to Make and Which You Now Helped Fund" will be better. In retrospect, the scariest thing about this film is the $9.99 price tag. Run!
  • Junk

    By Fitnessfanatic13
    Basically no story. No plot. No real speakable monster. Nothing scary. Basically 90 mins and 10 bucks wasted.
  • Amusing

    By Kristina'sCrystals
    It was pretty good for a normal movie and without so much CGI crap in it. I thought the ending was just so funny though.
  • Not worth >9$

    By P3PPP
    Low budget movie, mediocre acting.
  • Finally Real SFX

    By Mike DopeLess
    Finally a well made Horror/Syfy Flick that doesn't cram cgi down your throat. This film was made on a modest to low budget but for what it is, it is def an entertaining movie. Short, right to the point, and tons of fun. So if youre looking for an hour and a half, blood soaked good time, mixed with a little alien creature, then this film is for you. This isnt guna win any awards, but it is definetly worth a watch if you like these types of movies!! One Love..

