Food Chains

Food Chains

By Sanjay Rawal

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2014-11-21
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 22min
  • Director: Sanjay Rawal
  • Production Company: Screen Media Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 8.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 16 Ratings


From Eva Longoria and Eric Schlosser, author of FAST FOOD NATION, and a producer of FOOD INC. comes a powerful and shocking expose about what feeds our country and how one small group of workers fought corporate greed to end slavery and abuse in America’s fields. Narrated by Academy Award winner Forest Whitaker this must-see film will open the eyes of everyone who shops in a supermarket.




  • Enlightening…New pair of eye-glasses.

    By karacter0
    The food chains have farmers and their workers under their thumb. Top food chains each make more revenue than Apple company, lots more. Why? Because they have been unchecked for so long. This documentary says that it’s time to try a different strategy. Here’s what I thought going in: “Well, it’s just a bunch of undocumented workers anyway. Clamp down on farmers and get out the illegals and problem fixed.” Not so easy. Illegals come because they are the only ones willing to work for squatter pay. Get rid of illegals and we still won’t have Americans taking the jobs (as Southern history has shown us already). So then what? Raise wages. We did it in the 60s and 70s and farmers actually prospered. The oil industry did it in North Dakota, and got quality workers. Why? You get what you pay for. But wages for farmers can’t go up because top food chains will just find some other tomato company oversees to get tomatoes from.
  • Ono

    By PiperOno123
    Very good documentary. Give these people the freakn' penny Publix. People of Florida and anywhere else that has a Publix, grow your own gardens and stop buying at Publix until they agree. What is wrong with these corporations that treat human beings like this? Stop doing business with these corporations!
  • Important film

    By Flor123456789012
    People should watch this. It’s easy to ignore the reality behind the produce we buy. If we take a closer look, we see the exploitation involved. It is time to take a stand against it. The work of Cesar Chavez was only the beginning. There is much more to do towards seeking social justice for hardworking migrant farmworkers.
  • Eye Opening

    By Corey8243750244523452452435
    Food Chains shines light on an unseen problem in America, produce production and the farmer workers who pick it. This piece gives a great history of the American farm worker and the current state of conditions and wages. Well worth it to see and motivational to make a change.
  • Should be required viewing for any American eater

    By Lena Brook
    Food Chains shares the stark realities of the harsh working conditions and exploitation of farmworkers in Florida’s tomato fields…. but it resists the temptation to just depict the horror stories (and horror stories there are: slavery, pesticide poisoning, profound human exploitation). Rather it present a hopeful story centered on the amazing organizing work of the Coalition of Immokelee Workers, who have spent the last 20 years systematically dismantling the power of those at the top of our food supply chain. This is a MUST SEE. Thanks to the entire filmmaking team for bringing these stories to light.
  • Such an important film

    By Trmile
    Incredibly moving and informative! Thank you for bringing this issue to light!
  • Labor is integral to a sustainable food system

    By Golfcart4
    This is an excellent film that cuts to the core of the injustices embedded in the food system. Labor is often forgotten when we think of sustainable food. Sustainability means more than just organic food. The time is now for the focus to expand to sustainable labor!!
  • Food Chains Truths

    By Mirchi Chef
    This very important documentary is a must watch for anyone who eats. If you believe in equality and justice for all than we as a nation needs to stand up and support this and keep spreading the word. Thanks to the Food Chains team and those who support this. Naysayers stop trying to silence the truth.
  • Most important documentary of the year

    By grandcanyon89
    This movie has changed the food dialogue in America by exposing the dark underbelly of our food system, and the shocking human cost of our food
  • If you’re human, it will move you.

    By rshark
    Extremely well-shot. Delivers a clear, easy-to-follow storyline. This doc keeps your attention through its entirety. If you're human, it will move you. The film exposes an issue that is real here in the US. I didn't notice any point where it claimed that this problem is more serious than another, or even that it’s more serious than in any other issue in the country; it simply exposes what’s happening on a topic that deserves attention. And you know what? Love it or hate it, the film is getting America talking.. Food Chains is serving its purpose even through nay-sayers’ comments. Those who get angry and proclaim the film is biased or ignorant simply fuel the discussion's fire with such commentary. Food Chains is thanking you, I’m sure.

