Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

By George Lucas

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1999-05-19
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 16min
  • Director: George Lucas
  • Production Company: Lucasfilm Ltd.
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 14,833 Ratings


Experience the heroic action and unforgettable adventures of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. See the first fateful steps in the journey of Anakin Skywalker. Stranded on the desert planet Tatooine after rescuing young Queen Amidala from the impending invasion of Naboo, Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn discover nine-year-old Anakin, a young slave unusually strong in the Force. Anakin wins a thrilling Podrace and with it his freedom as he leaves his home to be trained as a Jedi. The heroes return to Naboo where Anakin and the Queen face massive invasion forces while the two Jedi contend with a deadly foe named Darth Maul. Only then do they realize the invasion is merely the first step in a sinister scheme by the re-emergent forces of darkness known as the Sith.




  • Better than any of the Sequels

    By Lycan warrior
    Comparing to the “worst film” released and Disney Sequels I think it wasn’t a bad film to begin with.
  • Not as bad as they say but not as good as you would hope

    By Count Ronin
    The script wasn’t particularly boring or entertaining, and the acting was wooden and the story hard to follow. The CGI was decent, though, especially for the time.
  • Terrible

    By Eri Sawkind
    Most boring Star Wars film right next to Rise of Skywalker. Anyone who “loves” this film is only just blinded by nostalgia. I grew up with this film (I’m 24) and I can admit how terrible this movie is, and Revenge of the Sith is my favorite, which is also a prequel.
  • Star Wars has gone down the wrong path

    By WorldQuestioneer
    Don’t get me wrong. This movie is fun to watch. But I don’t like all that glossy, ornate whatever you call it. Much seems like bubblegum… in the sense of the feel of bubblegum pop, for lack of a better description - the movie is sticky. I also don’t like how midichlorians was introduced, and I don’t like how they put anything like Jar Jar Binks in. Both the prequel and sequel trilogies are examples of how Star Wars has gone down the wrong path. Star Wars should be rebooted with the lessons from the prequels and sequels. The original trilogy was much better!
  • The best intro to a story

    By $W£$K£R$
    I just don’t get the hate it’s has a good story awesome characters man o man I love the pod race scene pure movie magic Lucas put his sweat and tears to make this beautiful masterpiece and the intro to Darth Maul makes it better.
  • Outstanding!

    By Bmxmcdguy
    This film is outstanding! It’s a wild adventure with lots of twists and turns perfect for the family to watch together. This film kicks of the Star Wars saga perfectly. And the soundtrack is a piece of art. HIGHLY recommend
  • Totally Underrated

    By 1chi5o
    An awesome movie. Jake Lloyd was great. Luke was waaay more of a whiner in Episode IV than Anakin ever was. And yes, wars often start—or are set in motion—with trade disputes! See: all of frickin history. Highly recommended. If you’re new to Star Wars, watch 4, 5 and 6 first, then watch this one, then 2 and 3. Then stop.
  • Star Wars l

    By star wars l
    This is a really good Star Wars movie if you really like Star Wars
  • 48/100

    By 7gdp
    Ok Movie but too many politics and jar jar is a problem
  • Darth minion mail is Scary as sin

    By antibigcitygreens
    Darth minion (maul) does look very devil like in the tv Show Movie

