Preacher, Season 3

Preacher, Season 3


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2018-06-11
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 11
  • iTunes Price: USD 16.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 1,167 Ratings


Jesse Custer’s quest for God takes him back to the place he’s been avoiding his whole life: home. Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy return to Angelville, the Louisiana Plantation where Jesse was raised, and find old grudges and deadly obligations await them. With the help of his friends -- and a few enemies -- Jesse will need to escape his past… because the future of the world depends on it.


Title Time Price
1 Angelville 41:55 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Sonsabitches 43:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Gonna Hurt 43:01 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 The Tombs 42:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 The Coffin 45:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Les Enfants Du Sang 42:01 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Hitler 44:43 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 The Tom/Brady 42:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Schwanzkopf 40:21 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 The Light Above 53:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Greetings from the Set 02:45 Season Only Buy on iTunes



  • I rate it 4 stars - The extra is for those politicizing the comments. >.<

    By NerfHerder99
    Great show. Period. If you don't like Nazis in MAGA hats don't watch it. Also don't go outside, turn on the tv AT ALL, etc. But if you're into this type of story or the genre at all, you'll enjoy it.
  • A great show turned into a voice-piece for liberal propoganda!

    By recon411
    I loved this show (graphic novels too) from the first episode of the 1st season to the last episode of this season 3. Towards the end, it showed a "Nazi" wearing a MAGA hat, insinuting that Trump supporters are Nazi's. Let me expain something to you AMC, Trump is a capitalist, not a Nazi or a fascist. The Nazis were left-wing socialists, fascism is national socialism, so basically socialism. You don't like Trump, we get it, but STOP spreading lies! You just lost a viewer because of that and discourage others from watching as well.
  • I’m done

    By pholly
    The show has been good and bad over the past 3 seasons but if they’re going to start politicizing the show, I’m not going to watch it any more.
  • Gone too political

    By WBBaglio
    During the finale, there was a Nazi that was wearing a MAGA hat. This is an outrage! AMC, cancel this series right now!
  • Weak Season

    By demas1996
    I loved the first season, the first half of the second season, and somewhat second half of season 2. Season 3 however doesn’t do much for me. The season feels like a huge filler season and has once again halted the quest for god after the premiere. Not to mention Jesse not having his powers and not being able to do anything due to his grandma having control. Then there’s the storyline of Cassidy leaving and going on his way with the other vampires. This season just hasn’t felt right. It feels too grounded. I’d like that to explore more and actually leave the same locations. It would be nice to see more of Arseface and Hitler as well. Maybe season 4 will see everything return back to how t was rather than Jesse being cooped up in a house an entire season.
  • So F’d up

    By WholeLottaFandoms89
    If your a fan of the bizarre and f$*!ed up, this is a series you can get behind.
  • Best Show on Television

    By EpicBeasts
    It's the oddest assortment of characters in a television show that we've ever seen. And that's the charm. Go forth, watch it now. Be warned -- this is not for those who are feeling the religious fever or for anyone who gets offended easily.

