

By Howard Hawks

  • Genre: Classics
  • Release Date: 1962-06-19
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 2h 37min
  • Director: Howard Hawks
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 238 Ratings


Hatari! is Swahili for "danger"—and also the word for action, adventure and broad comedy in this two-fisted Howard Hawks effort. John Wayne stars as the head of a daring Tanganyka-based group which captures wild animals on behalf of the world's zoos. Hardy Kruger, Gérard Blain and Red Buttons are members of Wayne's men-only contingent, all of whom are reduced to jello when the curvaceous Elsa Martinelli enters the scene. In tried and true Howard Hawks fashion, Martinelli quickly becomes "one of the guys," though Wayne apparently can't say two words to her without sparking an argument. The second half of this amazingly long film concerns the care and maintenance of a baby elephant; the barely credible finale is devoted to a comic pachyderm stampede down an urban African street, ending literally at the foot of Martinelli's bed. The other scene worth mentioning involves comedy-relief Red Buttons' efforts to create a fireworks-powered animal trap. Not to be taken seriously for a minute, Hatari is attractively packaged and neatly tied up with a danceable-pranceable theme song by Henry Mancini.




  • Oh...Forget It!

    By Frank C 66554321.
    Howard Hawks & John Wayne in Africa. The men are men and the women are women, and Red Buttons is funny. Lots of smoking and drinking and fotage of animal capturing. The Duke plays a one note character and his love interest is a fish out of water that can barely keep up with the rest.
  • A superb action film

    By 747whaledriver
    Out of John Wayne’s normal venues of western and WWII action films, Hatari brings with it superb and solid action, acting, cinematography, and direction. It brought to life the dangerous and very real deadliness of live animal capture for zoos worldwide. The film hads its superb moments from before the opening credits right to the end. It’s witty, quirky, and utterly lovable as a film. Hollywood grudgingly considered Hatari for Oscar consideration for the portion of the soundtrack later known as “The Baby Elephant’s Walk,” written by Henry Mancini, due to the popular demand for the soundtrack and Mancini’s piece — but failed to support the popularity of the movie and soundtrack solely due to John Wayne’s conservative political beliefs. Too bad. Shame on you, Hollywood. You let a masterpiece slip through your greedy fingers in what is one of the all-time great movies of the 1960s.
  • John Wayne

    By V5V5
    Where is RIO LOBO ??????
  • Amazing Must Buy!

    By Katm737
    This movie had me laughing every minute! I love everything about it and the length doesnt matter because it is so enjoyable. The characters are amazing and I love everyone of them. Highly recommended one of my all time favorites.
  • More "WAYNE" films....!

    By Valley dweller
    Loved watching this film growing up! Good cast, great scenery & solid action. Not made like this much more. Good to watch when nothing to do or on plane ride for a few hours. Wish itunes could add some other great Wayne films?
  • A classic!

    By Letthewookiewyn
    Even better now in color! Hatari has a little bit of everything! Enjoyably long film, I make a habit of watching this film once or twice yearly and it never gets old. If you've always wanted to see Africa without having to really go, then watch this movie! There is also an amazing scene between the Duke and a pissed off elephant. Classic score! PG rated love story! See it! Enough said! For another good one check out "The Ghost and the Darkness".
  • Finally, Someone Got It Right

    By Chumb Bucket
    Yeah! Someone got it right for once. Don't worry folks, John Wayne is not a chump and this move is an actual movie. This has always been one of my favorites growing up as a kid and it still is. I don't even know how many times I watched this movie, but I love it. It has everything a movie should have, Action, humor, romance, everything. The shots of the African Safari were spectacular and the animals gave the move plenty of action and suspens. So here we go people: Hatari was not made by or stars CHUMPS!

    By Anakin Rocks!
  • Awesome

    By gajoey
    This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I've watched this movie over and over since I was a kid. The shots of the African landscape are spectacular and the characters are very enjoyable. The movie is very long but the action is non-stop. I highly recommend.
  • Star Trek in Africa... with John Wayne

    By StormCry
    The reason I say it's like Star Trek because there's a rogues gallery of a cast in this movie. You have John Wayne of course, but you also have a former taxi cab driver, a mexican bullfighter, a native american indian tracker, a german AND a french sharpshooter, an Italian photographer, a french hotty and enough stock footage of Africa to make your head spin. All that's missing is a Maori fisherman and a Japanese Samurai, but I digress. This is one of my favorite John Wayne movies simply because of his line when he sees the Italian photographer in his bed, a hot italian photographer at that, and he looks at her and goes "What are you doing in my bed?" Overall, it's a long, long, funny movie, well worth the money. -V.

